Chapter 1

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The spy

"Miss, I'd like an explanation: why have you caused such a ruckus? There was no need to enter my classroom like that and order my students to scram" the teacher told you behind her desk with an angry look.

"Oh, don't you think you are a little bit exaggerating? I even knocked on the door before entering" you nonchalantly replied as you looked around the room, filled with students' projects all attached on the four walls. However, these projects weren't the reason you were there though.

"Don't try to find your way out by excusing yourself with a simple knock on the door, you have perfectly understood what I mean" the teacher replied: you could feel that she was being wary, because she had raised her voice. And when someone raises their voice, it's because they're on their defensive.

As for you, you now walked towards a chair one of the students was using, and sat on it, with your gloved hands in the pockets of your dark coat. You could sense disgust from the teacher as you sat down.

"I really don't understand where's the problem, ma'am. I simply knocked on the door, entered when you told me to and politely asked the students to go outside for a second because I needed to talk with you. Where's the problem in that?" you replied calmly.


"Plus, if I was doing a bad thing, isn't your duty as a teacher to block me from doing said bad thing?"

At this point, after you destroyed each of the teacher's arguments, she eventually gave up and sat down on her own chair with her hands on her head in exasperation.

"Just tell me what you want to know, so that we can get this over here and I can continue my lesson" she told you

"Oh, good! You're finally starting to reason. And I don't like to reason with secretive people" you said as you now leaned towards the desk, put your elbows on it, intertwined your fingers and rested your chin on them. Then again, the teacher looked at you with a disgusted stare.

"You stink of death" she simply replied: she gave up, but she still had her attitude. Despite her attitude, the only thing that mattered was that she felt pressured enough to spit out information.

"Heh heh, you're not the first one that says that. Now, to serious topics" you said as you extracted a piece of paper from your pocket, and unrolled it so that she could see it. And once she saw the picture, you could clearly see a light movement in her eyes: she had recognised your target.

"Tell me what you know about this person" you firmly asked, even though it sounded more like an order.

On the paper you just showed her, there was the picture of a person in their teenage years. They had a brown bowl cut and a poker face, and there were hints of a blue sweater at the bottom of the paper, as it showed only the face and the neck of your target.

"...what makes you think that I know them?"

"Oh, you know them. Your face says it all. What have I just told you though? I don't like reasoning with secretive people" you said so that she could remember. In fact, it sounded more like a threat.

"Tch...yes, they were my student. They were even one of my most excellent students, until one day...they disappeared, and ever since then, their desk remained empty for a good while" she confessed, and then she pointed at a desk near you "look, that desk at your right is exactly theirs. No one has dared to sit there or even put a pen on the desk. No one has touched it ever since Frisk disappeared"

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