Chapter 20

188 18 14

Long gone memory

[TRIGGER WARNING: ....throwing up?]

"'ve got to be kidding me, Sans. Who else could Gaster be if not your father?"

The boy blinked his eyesockets for a fraction of a second: he genuinely looked confused, clueless about what you were talking about.

"hey uh, butterfly, have you eaten something...weird for breakfast this morning?" (A/N: your dad) he asked again with that look of pure confusion on his face.

As for you, you were dumbfounded. You were also starting to feel a little bit pissed off: after all, that had been quite the emotional morning, wasn't it? You were overwhelmed after all that.

"C'mon Sans, you can't deny this now: if I remember him then there's no way you of all people have forgotten about him"

"look, i may be a comedian, but i'm not joking now. i have truly no idea what you are talking about"

The fear's seed started making its roots in your heart.

However, in that moment, you acknowledged something that you didn't notice before when you woke up after "fainting"

You had something in your hand.

You opened your hand, and saw a thing that made you gasp.

"Sans, then tell me about this thing! Please, tell me it rings a bell"

On your palm, there was a piece of black cloth.

And it belonged to Gaster.

You probably ripped it out when you tried to grab Gaster's hand not to let him disappear. Could that be why you still remembered him?

However, after a brief examination, Sans shook his head, which increased the feeling of fear that was growing in your heart.

"Come on...why can't you remember him? He is your father!"

"butterfly, i've already told you about my backstory a million times: i grew up alone with papyrus. we don't have any parents"


"What are you talking about?"

"heh, talk about remembering...i told you that ever since papyrus and i were kids we relied on nobody: we used to roam around. it was pretty hard, but monsters are friendly, and we were helped by other people"


"And...wait, Papyrus is younger than you, you sure must remember someone that, when you were still an only child, took care of you!"

This time, he furrowed one brow and raised the other.

"i only remember waking up on a bed with papyrus being still a newborn right next to me. whoever my parents were, they abandoned us: i have no idea who this gaster guy you are talking about is" he said firmly.

From being just a seed, fear was now starting to bloom as a venomous flower.

"I..." you felt, as some drops of sweat started crawling down your neck eerily, together with the chilling urge to throw up. However, you then remembered something: there was something you hadn't mentioned, one last chance to prove him (or actually prove to yourself) that Gaster was real.

You stood up abruptly with much of his disbelief.

"hey hey hey, calm down a second, you've just fainted, you should lie down a bit to recover before standing up so abruptly"

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now