Chapter 26

285 12 27

I crave you

(Hehe slight nsfw aheaaaaaad)

You kept looking down while Gaster stood next to you. You could see his boney hand resting on the counter as he waited for Grillby so that he could pay.

As for you, you kept a silence of tomb.

Grillby then reached Gaster and received into his hands some money from the skeleton man.

"Thank you, Gaster. Hm? Hey, Y/N, is everything okay?"

You subconsciously looked up in just a second at Grillby and met his eyes made of fire.

"Uh...? Oh, yeah, I'm fine...maybe just a little bit of stomachache. It's not because of the drink though!" you swiftly told him, not to make him worry.

"Uh, is that so...? Well, tell me if you need anything" Grillby told you, as he then went to clean the counter and complete other customers' orders.

You lightly sighed as you closed your eyes now. You peeked for a second, and noticed that Gaster's hand was still there, on the counter.

And you could still perceive the weight of his eyes on you, as well.

This time though, you didn't look down. Instead, you slowly raised your face and turned to look at him, and in just a few seconds, your eyes were directly looking into Gaster's eyesockets.

There was a weird light in his eyes...a more powerful, glowing one.

One you had never seen before.

"Hello, Gaster" you somehow managed to tell him confidently: there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Hello, Y/N" he replied. Huh, he didn't have his usual calm demeanor...light in his eyes aside, he almost had a somewhat bold smile, and his eyesockets were more open than usual...could that be the alcohol's effect?

"I didn't expect to find you here" you told him, which was actually true: that was the last place you would have expected to find him in.

"Surprising, isn't it? What about you? How's Oreo?"

Huh, he really seemed different than usual.

"...he's fine. He has returned to his normal behavior, and he hasn't had anymore problems"

"Hm. That's good to hear" he said. Ever since you two started talking, he didn't move a single inch from the counter: he was still there, slightly leaning towards you, with his hand on the counter.

"Haha...yeah. Indeed"

Somehow, the atmosphere had gotten more tense, to the point that perhaps it was time to go back to your home and stay with Oreo for the night.

"I think I will go noooow" you told him, as you also waved goodbye to Grillby: you had already paid, so you could go home whenever you wanted to.

However, Gaster still stood there, despite your words. You glanced at him, hoping that he would move and let you go, but he simply stood there, without moving a single inch of his body.


"Let me accompany you"

...excuse me?

You inevitably looked at him with slightly shocked eyes, as if you wanted to confirm whether he just said those words. However, judging from his confident eyes, he had indeed said those words, and looked extremely sure of what he said.

What the...? Why would he suddenly want to accompany you? After all those days of ignoring each other, now he asked you this?

"If you're afraid of me walking alone in the dark, don't worry, I am more than prepared to fight-"

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now