Chapter 29

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Sean was standing still with wide open eyes, his white jacket turning into a dark red, his lips slightly parted and trembling.


No no no no no no.

This couldn't happen.

Please no.

He was growing visibly weaker in front of you: any moment now, and he would have fallen on his knees and then on the ground.

"...SEAN!!!" you screamed as you ran to him, now with tears in your eyes and grabbed him, hugging him, just as he was falling on his knees.

But before you could touch the ground and realise it, something grabbed you. You felt as if you were being pulled away, against the wind, and the next second you opened your eyes you realised you were in another area of the forest, still with Sean in your arms. With a heavy, erratic breath, you looked up and noticed Gaster, who had wrapped an arm around you tightly.

He looked extremely shocked as well.

"GASTER! Gaster, oh my gosh...!" you wept loudly as you looked at your lover and kept holding Sean.

Visibly tense, he brought a finger on your lips to silence you, which truth be told alarmed you even more, and looked around himself for a few seconds.

All of this while your heart was exploding inside your chest.

"I don't sense anyone here nearby..." he said while glancing carefully around, and then sighing "we should be safe here for the time being"

In that moment, a cough from beneath your face caught your attention and you noticed Sean coughing blood with a pained expression.

"No- no Sean, please don't...everything is going to be fine, alright? Breathe, I beg you" you told him as you sat down on the ground and made him lie on your legs. You then looked at Gaster for help, any kind of help.

"He had just accepted to stay see that Monsters aren't on the bad side...and all of a sudden, he was shot!" you somehow managed to explain that to Gaster as more and more tears crawled out of your eyes.

Gaster looked at you and then at Sean, whose chest was still luckily going up and down. He looked at Sean's collarbone for a few seconds before rolling his sleeves and putting his hands on Sean's wound. A few seconds afterwards, purple magic erupted from his hands.

You had already seen this when Gaster was checking on Oreo, when he was feeling sick.

It was his healing magic.

Sean looked weakly at Gaster's healing magic while he kept panting. However, no matter Gaster's attempts to cure him, the wound still remained there.

"What is the meaning of this, Gaster?!" you shouted on the verge of a panic attack. Sensing that you were losing control, Gaster grabbed both of your shoulders firmly and made you look directly into his eyes. Then, from your shoulders, his hands moved upwards to cup your face while he spoke.

"Calm down, love. I know it's hard, but please, being in this state won't help Sean at all" he tried to calm you down while brushing his thumb on both of your cheeks.

You looked at him alarmedly, but he wouldn't change his expression: he wasn't doing anything. He was just holding your face and looking at you in your eyes.

You wanted to scream, to shout, to be furious and cry, but for some reason,  his eyes were stopping you from doing that.

This prolonged eye-contact caused something inside you to snap, and you let out all your pain through tears and cries: you brought your hands to your eyes, to dry your tears, while Gaster now embraced you, careful enough not to get in Sean's way, who was still lying on your legs.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now