Chapter 11

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(By the way wattpad is kinda crashing for me and won't let me add songs, if you feel like it I'd recommend listening to either Headlock by Imogen Heap or everything i wanted by Billie Eilish while reading this chapter. Alright lol byee enjoy :))

You inadvertedly gasped as you realised what - or rather, who - was blocking Undyne's arm.

"...Gaster" you only inadvertedly said after realising, almost whispering.

That word triggered something in all of them, because now they all looked at you with their own, different reactions. Needless to say that Frisk and Sans were both extremely shocked, Papyrus puzzled and Undyne annoyed.

"...WHAT'S GASTER? WHO'S GASTER?" Papyrus asked.

"Ugh! Who cares about that! What's important right now is dealing with her!" Undyne said as she tried to attack you once again, multiple times. But every time, her arm was blocked mid-air by some strange force, as if you weren't to be touched.

Seeing that she wasn't able to touch you, she now yelled of exasperation and threw the spear away, thinking that perhaps the spear was the problem.

But when she tried to punch you on your face, the strange force blocked her arm mid-air from hitting your face once again.

Although there was no way to hit you, she kept trying, to the point that Papyrus had to step in and stop her from doing so.

"Papyrus! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she yelled at him.


She managed to get away from his grasp, but at least it didn't look like she wanted to continue. She simply glared at you and scoffed. Then, she started walking to the end of the camp, where now a yellow short lizard monster looked like she was waiting for her.

Suddenly, you felt something grabbing your wrists, which caused you to look down and see Frisk and Sans holding them, as if they wanted to bring you somewhere. And quickly.


In the end, the two of them brought you at your own "home".

Sans closed the door quickly, almost to the point that he almost "slammed" it.

"alright, monarch butterfly. tell me: what is actually going on?" he told you with a serious tone of voice.

You had to sit down, because the uneasy feelings you were hiding before during the training were now showing up now, making you extremely uncomfortable. Oreo, feeling your discomfort, now purred against your lap.

Even Frisk sat down next to you.

"Your father...Gaster...he told me that, from time to time, he can observe us just like a ghost. It's probably this way that he managed to stop Undyne from attacking me. Probably even now, he's observing us. And...this week, for some reason, he didn't appear in my sleep. And, despite the relationship between my kind and yours, I can't help but ended up asking myself...if something happened to him. I can't bring myself not to care"

Sans raised a hand in the air as if to tell you to hold on for a second.

"w-wait a minute. you said that he can see everything we do as a ghost. does that mean...he knew for all this time that i...we were trying to save him from the void?"

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now