Chapter 14

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Starry Fantasies

(Suggested song: Fallen Star by The Neighbourhood for a better experience. Yeah at this point I'm only spreading The Neighbourhood's songs on a daily agenda but bear with me💅💅)

A week had now passed, and at this point, it could be easily said that you were more than happy to fall asleep.

Just to meet him.

"Say...what's something you would have liked to do as a kid? As in, impossible things realistically speaking" you asked Gaster as you looked around yourself, as if there actually was something to watch there in that black nothingness called void.

As for Gaster, he stood still right beside you, as you kept questioning him all possible things: you quickly discovered that talking openly about every topic was very pleasant and enjoyable. And by every topic, we mean also how small could a fly be.

Or perhaps, it was not the conversation that you were appreciating, but rather the person you were talking to.

In that moment, he was thinking about this last question you made. But to be honest, he seemed pretty at difficulty when thinking about an answer: he looked like his brain was using too much energy. Which should be surprising, since it was a simple question, but somehow...instead of astonishing, you found it really cute: he looked like he really cared about giving the right answer to all of your questions. And you truly appreciated this.

In the end, he chuckled.

"I'm afraid I can't answer you that easily, my dear. I've never properly thought about this, not to mention the fact that I'm a Monster: what you consider an impossible thing to do might be possible in my case, since I possess magic"

"Is that so? Not even something like flying or turning invisible?"

"Hah, I think my mind was already too busy thinking about the things I could do rather than the ones I couldn't do. Plus, I was never a really creative kid back then: I daydreamt pretty rarely"

You looked at him with a lightly suspicious gaze, which caused him to gaze over you with confused eyes, trying to understand the meaning of your actions.

"...haha, are you alright?" he asked with a low nervous laugh.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something"

"Oh? And what could dare to occupy your mind in the middle of our nice conversation?" he asked teasingly, which caused you to giggle sweetly.

"Haha, it's nothing really, I just thought that you were wrong: to be a scientist, you must be a creative person, don't you? A creative person is not only a person who imagines a lot, but also a person that can come up with different solutions for a problem, don't you think?"

For the whole time he kept looking at you, but as you finished speaking, you noticed that he had grown stunned, to the point that his mouth had lightly gaped.

But then, he started genuinally laughing.

And the only thing you could think about was how sweet his laugh sounded.

It sounded like a soothing melody.

"How do you manage to do this?" he then asked after laughing, even though a smile could still be clearly seen on his lips.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now