Chapter 25

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You were lying down on your bed, staring at the ceiling with a certain bundle of orange fur peacefully napping on your stomach.

Five days have passed ever since Gaster healed Oreo, and his words haven't left your mind ever since.

Why would he dream about...a monarch butterfly? Let's be honest, by dreaming a monarch butterfly of course he dreamt about you, but how...? He had forgotten everything.

You really couldn't quite get this thing out of your head.

Was he starting to remember? If so, how? Is it perhaps connected to the machine? Maybe it was not working when you brought him back? Maybe it's functioning now and that is the reason for his dream?

"Hmm..." you mumbled to yourself as you kept staring at the ceiling. Everything seemed to be connected to the machine, somehow...

You blinked your eyes a few times when you sat up on the bed, waking up Oreo who decided to meow to complain.

"Sorry Oreo" you told him as you tied your shoelaces and then stood up from your bed.

"I'll make it up to you with a fancy dinner as soon as I get back home"


You walked among the roads of the city in the fractural space. Over time, more and more houses have been built, to the point that it really looks like a city and not a small camp.

You hid in a small alley and waited for the sun to set, so that everyone could enter their own home and leave the roads as abandoned until the sun could rise once again.

As soon as everything around you started becoming darker, you put your plan into action.

As stealthily as possible, you started going towards a familiar house: the skelebros'. However, you didn't plan to enter inside their house, but rather behind it...

You hid for a few seconds behind a wall in front of their house, and waited to hear whether someone was coming out of the house. All you could hear though was the faint sound of Papyrus singing in the kitchen, cooking probably not so surprisingly spaghetti.

It didn't look like someone was about to go out.

With your black uniform, merging completely in the night ambience, you walked towards the back of their house, where Sans' lab is.

After you and him managed to save Gaster from the void, you discovered that Sans had brought back the machine from the True Lab to check whether it was alright, but ever since then, he didn't update you in any way.

So you would have updated yourself your way.

As soon as you got in front of the door, you immediately noticed that the door was closed with a big lock that would have probably scared off any thief and made them give up with their intents.

And this is where the previous experience of being a spy for a powerful organisation comes in handy.

You quickly grabbed from your pocket a small kit that you usually brought with yourself for occasions like this, back when you still worked for the Organisation, and silently unlocked the door.

And once it was unlocked, you entered inside.

As you got inside, you closed the door behind yourself. Then, you didn't turn on the light, but you turned on your flashlight instead: a flashlight would have attracted less attention than a light for sure.

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