Chapter 17

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(Little easter egg at the end ;))


A year before...


Probably the leisure room in the Organisation had never been that crowded or noisy before.

The sound of Sly Fox playing darts resonated across the room. She had been trying for at least an hour to hit the center of the dartboard, but she always failed. Hence, she was growing quite stressed and angry of it, but she didn't want to show it nor to give up.

As for you, you were sitting down, with a cup of coffee in your hand and your phone in the other, scrolling through your apps. And Cold Gecko was working on some trinkets that he himself had created, something for his rooms of high security.

The only one missing was Vampire Bat, or, if we prefer, Sean.

"...goddamnit!" said at some point Sly Fox after failing once again, to the point that she even threw the darts on the ground.

"Your job is to interrogate, Sly Fox, not to kill. Of course you wouldn't be experienced with darts" Cold Gecko painfully stated without looking up from what he was working on, but he certainly knew that he had obtained her glares.

But he was right though.

Sly Fox's job was to interrogate.

The job to kill was yours.

"You better think twice about what you say, Gecko! I'm sure you don't want a dart thrown to your eye"

"Your dart wouldn't even reach my body" he stated once again so calmly that it was terrifying, making her even more infuriated than before.

In that moment though, before Sly Fox could seriously harm him, Sean entered.

"Hey, S-" you were about to say, opening your mouth for the first time ever since you entered the room, but immediately stopped once you saw a frown on Sean's face.

He had dark circles under his eyes, and looked visibly shocked, as if he went through an unbearable pain.

"Hey, what happened?!" you asked as you stood up to support him: he definitely looked like he couldn't stand on his legs.

Seeing that he wasn't talking, you brought him a chair and forced him to sit down, while Cold Gecko finally raised his eyes from his work and Sly Fox stopped playing with darts, despite her criminal gaze.

" girlfriend broke up with me" he finally revealed. This revelation made Sly Fox groan loudly, as if she expected something more awful to hear.

"Hey, don't you have some sensibility in that heart of yours?" Cold Gecko asked her, which surprised you: he never looked that emotionally invested in something before.

"With all respect, a partner is something that will come and go as they please. At least, when it comes to our profession" she pointed out, and you had to admit that she was right.

"Not when you think she is the one..." Sean stated, on the verge of crying and having an anxiety attack. You picked a chair as well, sat down near him, grabbed his shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Hey, Sean, look at me. Everything's going to be okay, alright? Let it all out, don't bottle up your feelings" you told him.

He took one breath, blinked his eyes, but in the end, he couldn't contain his tears. You approached him, so that he could rest his head on your shoulder and cry. You rubbed his back, to comfort him.

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