Chapter 22

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Back to me

"...was it really necessary to bring this all the way here?" Sans asked you, clearly exhausted, after teleporting to the True Lab with you.

And with the machine.

"I told you, this is the best place we could use if we want to conduct this experiment. The lab behind your house would also be suitable, but apparently all the equipment has vanished after he disappeared so...the best place is here"

Sans was clearly shocked when you told him that you wanted to create his father. It seemed surreal, and in normal circumstances, impossible (A/N: but does something normal happen in my fanfics? absolutely not haha).

He looked pretty confused, and didn't look like he believed you at first: in the end though, after a long moment of silence and hesitation, he accepted: he probably wanted to see what you were able to do.

And so, you decided - you actually told him firmly to do so and he just went along with it - to bring the machine to the True Lab.

"you make it easy butterfly, i was the one who had to carry this trinket all the way here. you owe me one, y/n"

"Oh believe me, I'll pay you back exactly by bringing back your father" you said as you looked around with your hands in your pockets, trying to understand anything relevant for this little experiment.

"Hey actually, consider yourself paid: let's just say I'm paying you with all the nausea I had after teleporting with you for the first times"

Sans inadvertedly sneered once he heard those last words: yeah, he could really consider himself paid.

You started looking at the machine, feeling the need to examine it accurately: you knew what you had to do in order to bring Gaster back, but of course you needed to activate it first. And you totally didn't know how.

"uh, how do you actually know about this though? we never brought you before in the garbage dump" Sans then asked.

"Hah, I know this little thing here because you were the one who introduced me to it first. But of course, you don't remember any of that stuff"

You didn't need to look at him to know that he had raised a brow, utterly confused. You lightly sighed, and turned around your head to look at him.

"I know that you don't believe any of the things I'm saying, but believe me, Sans. Your father exists. I don't know what happened to him, since I'm the only one that remembers him, but I'm going to bring him back. I promise"

You turned around once again to look at the machine, but this time, you chuckled, once you realised something.

"Or actually...I might have to rephrase that last sentence of mine. Do you not believe me, or do you?"

"hey, what are you talking about now?"

You turned again to look at him with a smirk plastered on your lips.

"If you didn't believe me, would you have actually accompanied me here to the True Lab with the machine? I think you would have straight up refused, but instead, you were the one who had to carry this all the way here, weren't you?"

He looked slightly hesitant, and he seemed even on the defensive now.

"You believe me, don't you? You believe that you had a father, and you believe that we can bring him back" you asked as you pressed your hands on your hips to establish dominance and to pressure him to say what he really thought.

To Hell and Back (Gaster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now