Chapter 12

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(Suggested song: VOID by Melanie Martinez)


You just had fallen asleep, and even though it was only just a week, you felt like an eternity passed after the last time you heard your name escaping from his lips once again.

Not to mention the fact that he never said your name as a first word when greeting you.

You turned your incredule head and met his figure, standing with his hand behind his back as he always did in the dark space without shape, his usual smile plastered on his face.

And he looked incredibly calm, despite everything that had happened. Despite him missing for one night, despite him protecting you from Undyne...despite everything.

He noticed your shock and lightly tilted his head.

"What's wrong? You seem astonished to see me"


You were more than astonished.

You walked - perhaps floated is the correct word, it wasn't like you were actually touching the ground - towards him, obtaining his confused look.

"Are you alrig-"

He didn't manage to finish because you suddenly and quickly grabbed the collar of his long black clothes with both of your hands and pulled him, so that his face could be just a few inches away from yours. So that he could listen carefully to what you wanted to say. Needless to say that he was even more confused and now shocked.

"You disappear for one week even if we said that we would meet each other again, then you suddenly show up but as an invisible ghost and protect me from Undyne, and you expect me to meet you with a calm face? I was worried for you! For a moment I thought that something had happened to you and that you had disappeared!"

He blinked twice, as if he didn't believe what he just heard from your lips.

You let go of his collar, and took a step back: perhaps it was the close distance that was crashing him.

Only then you noticed that, despite him appearing to be calm, he also looked...somewhat more serious.

Did he maybe happen to observe what had happened a few hours before you fell asleep?

A few hours before

After you all were done at the Lab, Sans teleported the three of you back at your home. And when you managed to open your eyes after teleporting, you saw Papyrus on the couch trying to catch Oreo, that was jumping from a pillow to the other, trying to playfully escape from him.


Only then Papyrus noticed three people staring at him oddly, consequently he stopped moving and trying to catch the orange kitty. At the same time, Oreo acknowledged your presence in that moment, and jumped from the couch to run to your legs, hoping to be picked up.

You satisfied his wish and picked him up, and at the same time you looked at Papyrus.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him, Papyrus, I hope it wasn't too much troublesome"

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