Don't You Worry Child

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I LUFF YOU!! DONT HATE ME FOR NOT UPDATING!!! I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER!!!! ALRIGHT HERE IS THE AWAITED CHAPTER!!!!! Dedicated to @gothcupcake07 because I can always count on you for a nice comment!! Which I would like more of if its not to much to ask! I might update more if people vote and comment more! Alright here it is finally!!! Luff you!

Kayla's POV

Something was bad. I knew it. I could feel it. Something didn't feel right. I knew something was up. I just didn't know what it was exactly.

Amy's head was in my lap, her feet to the right as I sat on Niall's bed, the blankets pulled half way up my legs. I looked around the room, and saw nothing but the usual. Posters, clothes, music CDs, stuff like that. But nothing unusual. After the phone call, I couldn't sleep. It's 5 am and I'm sitting on the bed wide awake. I can't sleep, and don't plan on getting any time soon.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what was wrong, but came up with nothing. Everything seemed normal. Everything looked normal. But nothing was normal. Not anymore. It never would be. Not since the accident any way.

I hummed softly to myself, running the tips of my fingers through Amy's hair, so I wouldn't wake her up.

"La, la, la, la

I hope you know, I hope you know

That this has nothing to do with you

It's personal

Myself and I

We've got some straightening out

To do

And I'm gonna miss you

Like a child missing their blanket

But I've got to get a move on

With my life

It's time to be a big girl now

And big girls don't cry,"

I sang softy as I stared at Amy. So young, and care free, and beautiful and happy, with out a worry in the world. I wish I was like that. I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Except for the pretend monsters under my bed. Those were the days.

I looked at the door, as the knob creaked slowly as it opened. My eyes went wide and my hand rested on Amy's back. Ready to kill if anyone dared set a finger on her.

"Kayla, I have to go to work early, I didn't want to wake you up. You should get some sleep. But when you wake up, there's food in the kitchen."

"Thanks Maura," I whisper yelled. She smiled at me then looked down at Amy. I looked at her too and smiled.

"You're going to be okay alright?" She asked me. I smiled and nodded, hoping I was right, but knowing, for Amy's sake, I would have to be okay, so I could watch out for her, especially when she gets older and needs someone to talk to about things. Like guys and mean girls and school. That's be me. I'd be that person in her life hi she could tell anything and everything to. We'd have no secrets. Not any.

I'd tell her everything and she'd tell me everything. We would have nothing to hide.

"Alright them. Talk to me if you need anything. We can get Bob to watch Amy and you and me could get a day off from those two kids," she said with a small smile and a laugh. I laughed to, looking at Amy, I was still playing with her hair.

"That sounds great. Thanks for everything Mrs. Horan."

"For the last time Kayla call me Maura! You make me sound old! You're just like Greg!" She laughed and shook her head, closing the door.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now