A Tough Decision

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  Well I guess that last chapter wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!! Well that's good anyway. So this chapter won't be as sad, but it won't be paricularly happy either. But don't forget Louis' always there to cheer everyone up!!!! Sorry i haven't really update dlately I was busy working on something else. Yeah and did I tell you that what happened in the first chapter actually happened to me? I was in a hotel elevator holding my baby brother and this guy in there asks me 'Is that child yours?' I felt like slapping him but I just said no. Eough chit chat. So here's the next chapter.

  Kayla's P.O.V

  When I woke up I felt well rested. God how long did I sleep? I looked out the window. The sun was up. I looked at Niall's watch. It was 9 in the morning. And I fell asleep at 4? Good lord. I'm aslo cold. I wriggled free from Niall's arms. I walked into the closet and grabbed my white Aeropostle t-shirt and slipped it on.  I heard my stomach grumble so I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs for some breakfast.

"Good morning Kayla! Did you sleep well?" Liam asked sitting at the table with a bow of cereal. I wasn't in a talking mood so I just nodded and sat at the table.

"Not hungry?" Harry asked me. I shook my head. "Or in a talking mood apperently. Is Niall still asleep?"

"No I'm awake." I turned around at his voice. "Good morning." He walked into the kitchen and started to fix cereal.

"So Simon called. We need to think of a band name,"  Zayn came out of the living room and sat at the table.

"Oh carrots. This is a tough decision..." Louis put on apperently his "thinking face", and didn't say word. I smiled. Louis, always the one to cheer people up. Same with Niall. And the rest of them. They were all really funny. "Louis and the four idiots!" He jumped up and screamed.

"No Louis. You are the idiot of the bunch!" Liam stated, coming into the dining room. "Good morning love." He gave me a hug and a small kiss on the head. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. After a minute I let go and he sat in the chair next to me.

"My turn!" Niall came up and picked me up in a very big hug and spun me around. I had no choice but to hold on, otherwise, he would've dropped me. I slapped his back until he put me down. Then he gave me a passionate kiss.

"OK, seriously what did I say about PDA?" Louis screamed. For the first time that morning I laughed.

"Guys she laughed!" Liam shouted in joy.

"YAY!!!" Louis came and gave me a hug. What would I do without the boys? I got two more hugs from Harry and Zayn then we all were sitting at the table.

"OK, back to band names. I'm stumped, how about you Harry?" Liam asked, taking a sip of his coffee. I don't know how he drinks it because It's completely gross.

"I don't have a clue. Zayn? Wait no, don't ask Zayn. Louis? Wait don't ask him either. What about you Niall?"

"Louis! Shut up!" Niall yelled suddenly. Everyone turned around and looked at him.

"What did I do? Wait what did I say?!" Louis yelled back.

"I don't know. I was bored."

"Well seriously? You had to yell at me?"

"Yeah I kinda did!" Everyone burst into histarics. Even I did.

"We got her to laugh! VICTORY!" Niall shouted.

"Now we just have to get her to talk." He looked at me evily. Oh God. What were they planning now? Lord knows.

"OOOOHHHHH! I GOT ONE!!" Harry screamed jumping out of his chair knocking it down. OK, maybe he was the weirdest one in the band. Lord, they all were weird. I couldn't just pick one.It'd probably offend the others. But Zayn was the quiet one. He wans't as weird but yes he was weird.

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