A New Life To Live

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 Hey guys! I just want to ask you something...... find paxtonwhitener on Wattpad and block him for me!!! You are so sweet! Thank you! Anyway...... I'm going to make this chapter longer than the other chapters. Which is a good thing to have long chapters!  OK, here's chapter 3.........

Kayla's P.O.V

 The two weeks went by very fast. We spent the weeks with each other, playing with Amy, going on dates, and getting ready for X-Factor. We were debating what song he would sing. And when we found out, he practiced everytime he got a chance. In the car, in the shower, watching TV, eating, making food. I'm surprised he didn't lose his voice with how much he sang. I heard him singing in his sleep a couple times too. I just smiled and went back to sleep. 

   When the day finally came for the X-Factor auditions I could see in Niall's eyes he was nervous. I put my arm around him. He looked at me. I gave him a small kiss on the lips. He smiled and put his arm around me too. We waited for a couple hours before Niall had to go onstage. This was the moment we'd all been waiting for. The moment that would decide if I'd have a new life or not.

Niall's P.O.V

 There were some really good people on here. Some were a lot better than me. One boy had green eyes and curly hair, his name was Harrry. One boy, who reminded me of Justin Bieber< had long brown hair brown eyes and a strong voice, his name was Liam. Another had chocolate brown hair with the same color eyes and was funny, he was Louis. The other was Zayn. He had darker skin, black hair and dark brown eyes. All of those boys were British. I really shoudln't be thinking about that right now though."What's your name son?" Simon asked me as I walked onstage. I saw a big crowd and my hands immediatly began to sweat. 

"Niall Horan," I told him. Hopefully people would understand my Irish accent. I stood in front of the judges. They all looked me over carefully.

"I love your accent Niall. So tell us a bit about yourself." Simon crossed his arms and leaned on the table. 

"Well I'm 18.  My family, girlfriend, and her little sister are waiting for me. I have all my frends in Ireland routing for me. I just graduated high school."

"Well, I can see where a handsome lad like you could get a girlfriend. What's her name?"


"OK, enough chit chat let's here you sing!" Simon sat back in his chair. I closed my eyes, shutting out the judges, shutting out the crowd, shutting out everything except the words to my song. I sang my heart out. I let the rythme control me. When I opened my eyes I heard the crowd cheering me on. The judges were also clapping.

"I think you showed up with the wrong song, and I you're not as goo as you think you are. But we can fix that.So I say yes," Simon told me.

"I'm saying yes too. Your voice has a nice ring to it. I woner if it's because your Irish. Either way,  I like it." The female judge told me. I forgot her name, She had tan skin and black hair. She was pretty.

"I'm not sure your voice is quite ready. It's good. But not that good." I frowned at the older man.

"Lies! All lies!" Simon protestes,"Give the boy a cance!"

 The man looked at Simon out of the corner of his eye," Uuummmm........." I put my hands together and mouthed please. "Yes," he said reluctantly. I jumped up and down in excitement. I could hear my family and Kayla and Amy cheering for me. 

"Thank you so much! You won't be let down." I promised them and walked off the stage. I was met by a bunch of hugs. My whole family had tears of joy in their eyes. I saw Kayla waiting behind them. She was holding Amy's hand. I saw a single tear fall down her face. Her bright blue tanktap made her brown eyes stand out. She wasn' dressed nice, but no one really was. She had on jean shorts with holes in them, her hair was curled, but pulled out of her face with a bobby pin, and she had on her black converse. She wasn't wearing much makeup. Just a bit of blush and eyeshadow. I could see her reason in nor wanting to wear mascara again. I let go of my mum and dad and ran over to Kayla. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed tight.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now