An Interesting Night

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    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in, what feels like, ages! I've been reading a lot of the fan fictions lately! Most of them are AMAZAYN but some are OK. I've been really happy about my books lately! Tis one has over 600 reads! I've been trying to reply to yours comments as much as I can, I'm pretty sure I've gotten to all of them for this book! But I'll reply to the comments on Diary of a Teenage Nerd later. So how do you like the book? I'm going to start doing authors notes at the end and beginning, but the ones a the end will be shorter than the ones at the beginning. Anywho.......hi. Haha OK, since I can't really think of anything to say I'm just going to go ahead and start on the chapter. 

Kayla's POV 

I stared at the blind Irish boy in shock. He was basically ordering the whole menu. I've known him for ages but I still had to get used to ow much he ate. The others were staring at him too. If they only knew..... 

"How does he eat so much, but stay so thin?" Liam whispered in my ear. He and I have grow pretty close. I just shrugged and giggled. He smiled victoriously, mowing he made me laugh. I was sitting in between Niall and Liam. Louis, Zayn, and Harry were on the other side of us. I looked longily at all of them. Damn me for coming in the first place. Damn me for being so in love with Niall that I couldn't even stay away from him. Just damn everything. I felt someone's arm wrap around me and smiled sheepishly at Niall. 

"You okay love?" No, Niall I'm no where near okay. I'm going to have to rock myself to sleep at night, because you won't be there to hold me and sing me to sleep. I won't get to see your beautiful face first thing when I wake up in the morning. I won't have your arms to run into when I get home. And Jordan was no longer there. Tears sprung into my eyes at the memory of my best friends death. I looked away from Niall, trying to hide my tears. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lies. Filthy lies. I hated to lie to him, but I didn't want to talk about it right now. Not here. Hopefully he'd forget about it my the time we got back to the house. 

"You sure?" He looked at me, trying to read my thoughts, which he was so good at. 

"Yeah, everything's," I took another look at everyone sitting around me, "Everything's perfect." I forced myself to tug the ends of my lip up into a somewhat convincing smile. He presse his lips against my temple as I leaned into him. 

"Ugh, what is it with you two and PDA?" Louis asked in disgust, I rolled my eyes. 

"And what do you have against PDA?" Niall backfired. Louis just suck his tongue out at him, Niall doing the same. 

"You two are SO mature," I said sarcastically, making Liam laugh.  

"That's why you love us!" Louis said with a proud smile. 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Lou," I said patting his hand. 

We watched and laughed as Louis and Niall teased each other.  

A few minutes later the waitress brought us our food. I was just having chicken, same with Zayn and Liam meanwhile Niall was having basically everything and Louis was having pizza, c'mon Lou, pizza? Really? And then Harry was having a sub. Weird mix but hey, we were us. Our weird, flawed selves. 

Walking out of the restraunt, I got an idea. 

"Liam, Louis!" I tried to get their attention as we were getting in the car. 

"Huh?" Louis asked stupidly, Liam just looked up, eyebrows raised. 

"Why don't you guys invite your girlfriends over? We can watch a movie with them," I told them. 

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now