Stranger Danger

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  *****MUST READ******

  So it looks like 20 votes and 15 comments is a little harder for you guys then I thought. Because I got on the last chapter and went to see how many votes and comments there were. So there were 23 reads, 2 votes and 2 comments. Guys, seriously? The twenty-three people who read it could have voted and commented on it, and you guys would already have another update. It’s not that much to click the vote button and comment what you thought on the chapter. I was debating which book I’m going to work the hardest and most on this summer and I chose this book. You guys are lucky because I could’ve chose another book and this book wouldn’t be updated at all this summer. But I’m just saying. Now it shouldn’t be that hard for you to just comment and vote. I work really hard on this book you guys and I want to make sure you love it. And how do I know if you like the chapter or not if I only get 2 comments and 2 votes out of 23 reads. And those two comments were from the same person. I’m not asking that much of you guys. To the people who do vote and comment, I want to say thank you for actually reading this, and for voting and commenting. I’m sorry that you guys have to wait forever for another update just because other people are too lazy to tell me what they think. If you’re reading this, don’t take it personally, just make sure you vote and comment what you think. I still love all of you guys and I want to make sure you love this book. Just tell me what you think of the chapter, and vote for it. If you didn’t like the chapter…then still vote for it. Because other people liked it and they want an update but they can’t get one until there’s 20 votes and 15 comments at the least. Here’s the next chapter you guys. I hope you like it and if you didn’t take the time to read this Author’s Note, and you complain about no updates, then it’s not my fault. How does that sound? Good, I hope. Because if I change my mind then I’m making the numbers go up from 15 comments and 20 votes to 20 comments and 25 votes. But that won’t be for a while, so don’t worry. Here’s the chapter guys. Love you. Hope you aren’t too mad at me for this.

Kayla’s POV

  The car suddenly screeched to a stop and I slammed my hands on the airbag box in front of me. My breathing became heavy and I shut my eyes. My heart rate seemed to speed up. I tried to slow it down, without success. The car became quiet. No one said anything, not even Amy. I could only hear the sounds of everyone’s unsteady breathing. I looked at the backseat of towards Amy who was trying to see around Greg’s head and see who we had almost hit.

  If we would have hit that person I would’ve never let myself live that down. I would regret my existence for the rest of my life. Thank God Greg knew how to slam down breaks though, because we were just about two yards from hitting that person. Not scary at all. The person obviously had to know there was a car coming, or knew one would eventually come at some point. Were they suicidal or something?

  I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door, walking towards the person wearing all black, standing in the middle of the road. What the hell. Is this a scene from Vampire Diaries where when I get close to the person, Damon Salvatore turns around, sucks the life from my body and snaps my neck? It can’t be. It’s not night time and I’m not with my fiancé, leaving a cover-band concert. So it can’t be Damon Salvatore. Damn it. I actually wouldn't mind seeing him though.

  My steps slowed down as I got closer to the person, whose back was facing me.

“Excuse me? Are you okay?” I asked the person. I stopped a few feet behind them.

“Hello Kayla.” A female voice spoke. I knew that voice all too well. I wish I didn't know that voice though. I wish I didn't have anything to do with that voice.  My breath hitched in my throat. I stepped back a step, too scared to run, or even breathe.  “Don’t bother running sweetheart. You won’t get away. This place is surrounded by my people.  If you run, you and Greg and your darling little Amy will all be killed.  I just want to talk ok? How’s that sound?” Just talk? Why in hell would I even consider talking to her? She wouldn't get anything from me and I wouldn't help her get anything.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now