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  • Dedicated to The Directors and script writers of the movie Hide and Seek

   So this book is getting better and better! Atleast I think it's getting better pleaz comment and tell me how you like this because I like it. I mean it has Niall in it and he's my fav so of course I like it. But I'd like to know what my fans and readers think so pleaz comment and tell me what you think about it. So here's a dangerous chapter, Kayla's going to have to take a risk. And it's pretty damn risky!!! OK, so read and find out what it is!!

Kayla's P.O.V

I heard them walk in and almost murdered myself.

"OK, so let's split up. Zayn. You and Harry check upstairs. Liam check outside. Louis, you and I will check down here. Everyone go!" OK, so Niall was talking. I heard his Irish accent and wanted to jump out and run to him. It took all my strength not to do it too. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at my texts. From Zayn.

Where are you now?

I'm not even going to tell him where I am. Too big of a risk.

I'm hiding in the house that's all u need 2 know

I didn't get a reply until all the boys were back in the living room. If I even so muched as breathed to loud they would find me.

"Zayn put your phone away."

"Well I'm texting your girlfriend trying to get it out of her where she's at. She says that she's in here. But she didn't tell me where exactly."

"Well call her and let's wait for the ring!" Niall was getting mad now.

"OK, calm down." I heard the phone ringing and hit ignore on my phone then heard my voicemail. I felt bad because they kepy apologizing and telling me to come out. So I deleted the voicemail. Here's the next converstaion between me and Zayn:

Zayn: I'd come out cause ur bf is flipping out

Me: I know i can hear him

Zayn: You can?!

"Guys she's somewhere in here! Or in the kicthen or dining room because she said she can hear us."

"Zayn what on Earth are you talking about?" Harry asked him. Zayn then read the texts to everyone. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from sighing. I knew they wouldn't look in here. So I was pretty safe. Unless I popped up and they saw me. Which I wouldn't do. The boys began to look. I heard doors opening and closing. I heard them shout my name. I heard them move things around. But never once looked in here.

"OK, so we'll just camp down here tonight and wait for her to come back. I bet you she'll come out tonight," Louis said. I heard someone huff then sit on the couch and prop their feet on where I was hiding.

"I feel horrible." Niall. Niall was the one who had their feet on top of me.

"Well we all do."

"We scared her off, and now she wo't even talk to me."

"Niall she'll come back. You take a nap and when she wakes up I bet you she'll be here. I think we all should take a nap."

"Well, I'm staying down here."

"I completely understand that. And I will too." I think that was Louis because he came and propped his feet onto the 'hiding spot' too. It was so hard not to die laughing. I was right under their noses and they had no flipping clue. Well...technically right under their feet.

"Since Harry finds the need to take up all the room on the couch, I will move the foot stool, Niall and Louis move your feet. Oh my God. I'm in the footstool. Shit. I felt my self being moved. I had to bite down on my tongue super hard so I wouldn't laugh and scream at the same time. "Well that foot stool weighs more than a normal one."

"Hey guys, maybe Kayla's in it!" Louis laughed loudly. I heard a few chuckle along with him.

"Kayla is too tall to fit in that thing," Niall pointed out. If only he knew how wrong he was about that.

"Yeah, good point," Louis agreed. I heard them turn on a movie. Which I didn't know the name of.

Text me when everyone except you is asleep

I hit send and sent the message to Zayn.

So ok when all the guys except me are asleep just send you a text?



I laid my phone at it and didn't take my eyes off it. I was waiting for the text because I had a little trick up my sleeves. It took all of my might not to scream when the name Zayn popped up on my phone.

they're asleep

 I kicked the lid off of the the foot stool and pulled my knees to me. It was good to move. Zayn started at me like he just saw a ghost. I chuckled.

"SSHHHH!" I held my finger to his mouth. I got the foot stool lid and threw it at all the boys and then put on my most blank stare. Well it wasn't blank. It showed mad and hurt. When Harry sat up rubbing his head and then he slapped Louis, who woke up Niall, who accidentally slapped Liam. Zayn just stared at me. It took the others a second to process what was going on. I looked at them and they didn't see me. They just kept trying to snap Zayn out of his trance. Then they followed his eyes towards me. They were all like Zayn. Like they had never seen me before.

"How long have you been there?" Niall finally asked.

"I'm not sure, but ever since you got back." I stood up, stretched and brushed off my jeans. Niall got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me slowly. I saw the guys get up. I backed away from Niall towards the back door. Niall stood in front of me.

"You are not going to lay a finger on her!" He looked sternly at the boys. They sat back down on the couch. "Come on sit down. I won't let them hurt you." Niall grabbed my hand and lead my to the couch. I sat next to him.

"OK, Kayla tell me one thing." I just looked at Louis.

"How the hell did you do that?"

"I'm magical." I waved my hands in front of my face. "But it pays you back because my back hurts."

"Wait you said you were in the foot stool when we got back until now right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well where were you at when I came back in and we first noticed you were gone?"

"I was in the cabinet under the sink." Everyone died laughing.

"So while we were gone you got all fixed up and then hid when we got back?"

"You're so smart!" I applauded.

"Don't flatter yourself!"

"Too late. So what song did you decide to do?"

"Viva La Vida," Naill said, "By Coldplay."

"Cool do you have to be at the studio tomorrow?"

"Yeah but at 9."

"OK, can we all make a little promise. Let's not do something like that again," I said looking at all the boys.

"PROMISE!" They all chorused. Good no more of that shit. We're good.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now