Did I Miss My Flight?

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 Sup? How've you all been? I've been doing good. I'm weird. Hahaha sorry I haven't updated in God knows how long....sorry about that. I love you guys <3! Hope you can forgive me but I won't be updating much of anything really but I hope you guys will understand and it really sucks since school's fixing to start:( Vote for this chapter if you're gonna miss summer> I hope I have the same amount of reads and votes! Because I know I'll miss summer, and if I were Niall I'd miss Kayla, how about you? Well read and see what happens....

Liam's POV

   I opened my eyes and found Kayla's head on my stomach. I laughed and and pulled my phone off the dresser and took a picture of her and sent it to Niall. I checked the time. It was a little after noon. HOLY SHIT! Woah we slept long......and Kayla leaves today. Poor Niall. Poor all of us. I felt my lips form a frown as I looked at Kayla. She's a very beautiful girl. I know that much, but I had myself a very beautiful girl too. 

"WHAT DID YOU TWO DO?" Niall screamed, barging into my room. During the process he woke up Kayla, who sat up and rubbed her eyes. My eyes just passed between the two of them.

"NIALL!" Kayla screamed then jumped on top of him, almost knocking him down.

"Good morning gorgeous." He stroked her hair and she didn't seem to mind even though when I was messing with her hair last night she looked like she'd murder me.

"Guys what time is it?" Kayla asked into Niall's shoulder.

"A little after noon," I said, gettng out of bed.

"SHIT!" She screamed, climbing off Niall. "I have to leave at three and I still have to pack!" She darted out of them room.

"So what did you two do last night?" Niall asked me, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Niall, we didn't do anything."

"OK, I trust you." Niall walked out of my room with nothing else said. I chuckled softly and walked to my closet to put on a shirt before joining the others down stairs. 

   Once I had on a blue Jack Wills t-shirt I made my way down the stairs. I could hear everyone talking, but I ddn't hear Kayla, she must still be packing. Speaking of which she left her clothes in my room.....that sounds wrong.....

"Good moring Liam!" Harry said when I walked into the dining room.

"I don't think it's such a good morning," I replied sadly before sitting next to Louis at the table.

"Why? What's wrong?" Louis asked me.

"Kayla is leaving and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one upset," I pointed out, nodding at Niall.

"Oh yeah, I had so much fun yesterday I completely forgot..."

"Guys. Kayla isn't leaving today," Niall said from the living room.

"What? She decided to stay?!" Harry excitedly yelled.

"No...." Niall got off the couch and came to the table and propped him self against it. "Kayla leaves tomorrow. Yesterday she said she leaves in two days. And today is day one, she leaves tomorrow."

"Oh....you plan on doing anything?" Zayn asked him.

"Yeah. We're going to-"

"Guys did I miss my flight?" I heard a voice from the stairs ask us.

"Kayla, no you didn't miss your flight. It's tomorrow," I told her. A head of dirty blonde hair popped out from behind the wall.

"So I just packed for no reason? C'mon! Well let me go put my stuff back up stairs!" 

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