Goodbye HAS To Be This Hard?

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  OK, so last chapter did NOT end like I thought it would!! Wasn't really depressing now was it? More....weird than depressing. But this one will be depressing. I'm sure. Because of the title, you can tell that it'll be depressing. This time I'm serious. Last time was just as mistake. OK, anyway here's the depressing chapter of TSAHS!! Enjoy!!!:)xx

Niall's POV

  She's leaving today. She's leaving today. She's leaving today.

 That thought had been going on a loop through my mind since I woke up this morning. That one thought. It was depressing me. A lot. 

  It was getting annoying too. That one little thought just replaying itself in my head and wouldn't leave. I had gotten to a point where I'd slap myself in the head to try and clear it, getting weird looks from everyone in the room with me. But if they only knew. If they only knew what was going through my brain. They'd understand.

"Niall." I stopped kissing Kayla and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes were sparkling but had a little of sadness in them. "Not now. Not here," She whispered in my ear. I felt sadness take over my body, like last night when Kayla started crying. It hurts me to even think that she's ever cried.

  I let go of her waist and she laid onto the bed, trying to catch her breath. I saw her smiling. I couldn't help but smile too. Her smile made me smile. It was like that with everything. She laughed, I laughed. She yawned, I yawned. She sneezed, I sneezed. It's weird, but that's how our relationship worked.

"What time is it?" She asked, not taking her eyes off me.

"Not sure. I'll check." I broke our gaze and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It read 12:30. "It's 12:30. Guess you need to get ready huh?"

"Yeah. I won't take long though. I promise. Don't wanna miss a single second that I could be spending with you guys." She sat up and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before walking over to her bag and unzipped it, taking out clothes. I sat on the bed and watched her. Well that was until she walked into the bathroom to change.

  I was left alone in the room with my own thoughts spinning around at random. I couldn't help but let out a groan and run both of my hands through my hair. I was soon on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I watched the fan spin in cirlces, making me dizzy. My eyes follwed the spinning blades as they went around, and around, and around, and around......

  When Kayla jumped ont the bed beside me and watched me as I watched the fan, I was shook out of my thoughts.

"You wanna know something?" She asked me, as she too, started to watch the fan.

"I'm going to miss you like shit when you're gone. Yeah I know," I joked.

She smiled, but in a sad way, "No. I know you'll miss me. And I'll miss you too. But here's what you really should know." She rolled over on top of me and locked ours eyes. "I love you. To the moon. And back," She whispered. Her eyes searching my face, trying to read my emotions.

"I love you too. So, so, so much." She laid her had on my chest. I felt her let out a breath through her lips. "But what I said is true. I'll miss you. Like shit."

"Don't try and guilt trip me. I know that. And you know I'll miss you too. But I have Kayla. And I obviously don't belong here."

"You belong wherever I am."

"You sound like Zayn," She said with a smile. I cocked a eyebrow but didn't question. "But you remember this. My love's like a star. You can't always see me but you know that I'm always there. When you see one shining, take it as mine, and remember I'm always near. And if you see a comet. Baby, I'm on it, making my way back home."

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now