We're SO dead!

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Hey hey hey! It feels so good to finally sit down and start typing again. I haven't done this in several days but it feels like eternity! I love writing so much and I got on twice, just to check on my fans, and reads, and votes. Everything was good! I found out this was most popular book and I almost cried out of joy! I love writing this book as (hopefully) much as you seem to love reading it! I hope you guys continue to enjoy it! I love everyone who reads and votes for this! OK, well I watched this movie called Honey 2 and it was flippin amazayn! Vote for this chapter if you love me, the book, and/or the movie! LLN I hopen you know I'm joking with you when I say I'm awesome and stuff like that. I'm not trying to be concieted just joking around, but all my friends tell me I'm amazing! I just happen to take their word for it! Now, here's the next chapter for The Summer After High School!!!

Kayla's POV

"Zayn!" I whisper/yelled running back into his room. He looked surprised at first then just shook it off. I whispered my new plan to him then smiled evily. He returned the smile and we both headed to the kitchen. I took off down the stairs three at a time and opened up all the cabinet doors until I found the one I was looking for. I handed Zayn a metal pan and a plastic spoon then took one of each for myself.

"Be prepared to die," I warned him.

"As long as they don't touch my hair, we cool." I rolled my eyes at him. He was always looking in every reflective surface he saw. It was concieted but really fun to make fun of him for it. We'd tease him about it too.

"Okay, ready? Set? GO!" We both ran up and down the hallway banging on the pots screaming for them to get up. We banged on the pots as loud as we could. Sure it hurt our ears, but of course we continued to do it for the fun of it.

"UP! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" I screamed.





I laughed. Zayn did too. Soon, four doors were opened at the same time. Everyone of them had a boy standing in front of it, looking like they wanted to murder someone.

"RUN!" Zayn and I screamed at the same time. We both took off down stairs with four very pissed off boys following close behind. They chased us all around the house. We ran up and down the stairs, trying to loose them. Finally Zayn pulled me into his room.

"What good is this going to do?"

"CLIMB INTO THE AIR VENT!" I immediatly caught on and stood on his bed, trying to open the thing. I finally yanked it open. I was just barely able to get in, but I did. Zayn followed behind me. He pulled the vent closed. A minute later the door slammed open, and I heard a bunch very mean words of hate were thrown into the air.

"Wait, where'd they go?" Louis asked. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing. I tried to peer over Zayn's shoulder to watch. They were looking in the closet, under the bed, behind the door, in the bathroom, and even in the dresser. Finally they just walked out.

I motioned for Zayn to follow me and started crawling. I tried to find the living room. We crawled around the vents so much that we both started sweating. It took about thirty minutes to find the living room. I told Zayn to make sure he was quiet. I put my ear to the vent so I could eavesdrop on the guys conversation.

"They're up to something," Liam said. Yes, yes we were.

"I know Zayn, this should be interesting," Harry said.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now