Laughing and Cuddling

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Hey guys! Couldn't help but update! I love how popular this book is! It's almost 1,500 reads! I'm hoping we can reach that goal by the end of th emonth which is WAY sooner than I thought it was but lets see if we can do this! Love you guys! Im hoping you guys will go check out my Liam Payne fan ficiton called "Diary of a Teenage Nerd" I hope if you take the time to read it that you'll lov eit as much as you seem to love this book! Short authors note just cause I wanna write! Or type...whatever! Go ahead and read!!!

Niall's POV

"Well, we got caught up in the heat of the moment and...." I saw a look in Kayla's eyes when she looked at me and said this. She was talking to Liam who looked like he was about to have a spaz attack that we "had sex" Kayla and I were both trying to fight th Europe not to die laughing then and there. We were leaving the club and they found us waiting, breathless and that's when all hell went loose even though Kayla and I were laughing are arses off inside. We all were leaving the club at midnight since the guys had to go to the studio tomorrow.

"I understand that you got caught up in the heat of the moment but sex? Seriously?! YOU ARE SIXTEEN!!!" Liam shouted. He was so mad. Kayla and I decided to break to them in the car by just dying of laughter.

"Liam, calm down. It's fine. I was wearing a condom," Liam's face had a little more color in it, then, "I think...." Liams face went as white as snow then. I nearly broke by that point. Kayla was a very good actor though and she was holding it together but I knew the look in her eyes very well. She looked away from Liam's eyes as if thinking about wether she had in a condom or not. Liam and Danielle got into the front seats and they were still talking about this.

"Niall, have anything to say about this?" Liam said before starting the car.

"Well, I enjoyed it how about you Kayla?" I looked at her and she nodded, signaling we could laugh now. I immediatly died laughing. We both were clutching our stomachs because we were laughing so hard. "Your....faces" I said between laughs. Then the looks thrown at us after that made me laugh even harder.

"Wait why are you laughing?" Louis asked. Harry soon caught on and joined in laughing.

"Did you guys actually have sex?" We laughed a little harder giving him an answer. He just shook his head. "Seriously? You had to do that? I actually thought you knocked up Kayla."

"WE KNOW!!" I managed to say before laughing again.

We were still laughing when we pulled into the driveway at the house. I couldn't breathe. I tried to stop laughing but then everyone's face entered my mind when they saw us.

"Niall, shut up mate and get out of the car," Zayn said. I started chuckling then followed Kayla out of the car.

"Both of you to your room, now!" Laim said once we entered the house.

"That might not help, but OK!" Kayla grabbed my hand and when we reached the foot of the stairs.

"Wait, nope come here."

"Yes daddy." I muttered.

"What was that?" Liam asked.

"Nothing!" Liam just looked at me as Kayla and I walked to the living room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ashley and Zayn exchanging numbers, then Megan and Harry exchanging numbers.

"HAVE FUN KAY!" Ashley called before leaving.

"Good luck!" Megan said, following Ashley out the door.

"Dani, El, you can stay if you'd like." Liam said,still looking at me and Kayla trying to figure out how he should punish us.

"I think we'll go." Eleanor said. Liam immediatly walked over to Danielle and gave her a kiss.

"Guys, don't worry about Liam, he's too sweet to hurt you." Kayla smiled at her.

"Thanks for the support babe." She patted his cheek gently.

"Anytime Hun." She gave him one last kiss before leaving with Eleanor. Kayla snorted while the guys were busy but her lips formed a line as soon as Louis and Liam were standing in front of us. Both Liam and Louis were trying to figure out what to do. Kayla plastered the sweetest smile on her face that you've ever seen. She gave Liam the puppy dog eyes which was hard to be mean to with her eyes. I even saw Liam give in a little. Score one for Kayla!

"OK, punishment, you guys don't get to sleep in the same room tonight, Kayla, you can sleep with me." Liam said.


"Or if you'd rather she can sleepwith Harry....." All eyes went to Harry and he waggled his eyebrows at Kayla.

"I'd rather her sleep with you."

"Niall, trust me, we won't do anything." Kayla looked at me with sincere eyes. I trusted her. Knew she wouldn't do anything with Liam. Liam has a girlfriend, and then Kayla was dating me. I just nodded.

"And then, we go to bed now. Not really a punishment since I'm pretty sure we're all tired so up. Go on go." Liam ushered me and Kayla upstairs.

"Night Kayla." I gave her a quick kiss before her and Liam went into his room. I stood there and kindof watched the door. When someone putting their arm around my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked and it was Zayn.

"Don't worry. Liam's a good guy. He won't do anything. And Kayla wouldn't allow him to do anything."

"Yeah, I trust them." I walked to my room,must ready for it to be morning. So I could see Kayla again.

Kayla's POV

"You can wear some of my sweats." Laim told me.

"OK." I sat in his be dwhile Liam went into his closet to get me a sweat shirt and sweat pants. "You know Liam, it was a joke. We didn't want to scare you."

"Well you gave us quite a scare. You're like a little sister and Niall's like a brother, we were worried."

"I know." I couldn't help bu smile.

"Stop smiling." I heard Liam say. I laughed and so did he. When he walked out of the closet he tossed the clothes at me and I caught them before they could actually hit me.

"Nice try." He smiled confidently.

"I tried my best." I rolled my eyes playfully and walked into his bathroom. I was a little bothered by the fact that I had to sleep with Liam instead of Niall, but it's better than Harry. No offense to Hazza, I love him, but no.

I smiled evily because I had another plan up my sleeve. I slowly opened the door. And saw Liam laying on his bed texting on his phone. He didn't see me. I put my clothes in the corner and ran and jumped on top of Liam who let out a grunt. I burst out laughing and rolled off of him. We were both clutching our stomachs, mine from laughing and him from pain. Wait, hold on. When I landed on him I felt skin. That's not right.

"Wait, are you wearing clothes?"

"If you consider boxers clothes than yes."

"Liam, if Niall knew he'd kill you."

"Your other choice is Harry and he sleeps commando."

"I'm good here." He laughed.

"That's what I thought." I crawled under the blankets because I was getting cold. I'm pretty sure that I had goosebumps on my skin. "Come here." I felt Liam pull me closer to him. It felt wrong because I was dating Niall, but it didn't mean anything. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt warmer.

"Thanks." I muttered and layed my head on his shoulder. "I'll miss you Liam."

"I'll miss you too Kayla." he pressed a kiss to my forehead. Danielle was right, Liam's to sweet to hurt us. I'm pretty sure Danielle, eleanor, and I were the luckiest girls on the planet to be dating who we were because our boyfriends are amazing. I decided to wap my arms around Liam. After I did that I fell asleep, thinking abut nothing. I had one of the best nights of my life, except I wasn't with Niall at the moment, but it was still a really good night.

Summer After High School (A Niall Horan fan fiction) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now