Chapter 37

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I honestly kinda relate to Evie lol. We both have built up anger and it's directed towards our family.
But they found one crystal, so now they can locate the ones that aren't cloaked.


Faye and I were downstairs, looking around mostly. We were so enthralled by her old home that we hadn't even noticed she was gone.
I walked along the fireplace, looking at the mantle. Family photos sat upon it, and in between each one was a snow globe. The snow globe in the middle was the largest, and caught my attention.
There was a little girl inside it. Long wavy brown hair flowed as if wind was brushing it. She had a long white coat on with fur around the hood that wasn't even on her head. White gloves, fuzzy earmuffs, white leggings and cozy looking white boots. Underneath her feet was snow and in the background, that I recognized, was this house. The little girl had very detailed green eyes, and it didn't even take me a second to know that it was Evie.

Each of the photos were from a different year. There were four, which meant there were five snow globes. One photo had a couple, with a baby. The baby was sitting in between them, and right beside her was a white number '1' with lights on it. That was Evie's first birthday. The second one was her when she was a toddler. Her hair was at her elbows, and looked so silky and smooth. Her skin was so pale, she almost looked like a porcelain doll. She was in a red dress with a matching headband in her hair. She had white leggings and then red flats. The couple, Lucy and Alaric, were in green sweaters and jeans. It was Christmas.
The third photo was her as a kid. Around the ages of seven or eight. The event this time was Easter. I could tell by the soft purple dress Evie was wearing that had eggs on it of all different colors. She even had a yellow headband with bunny ears on it. She was such a happy little girl in the first three photos, however, the fourth was something not so cheerful.
She was a teenager by now, in between thirteen and fifteen. She had dark eyeliner above her dark mascara-filled eyelashes and underneath on her waterline. Her hair was almost three shades darker than her natural color, close to black but still hints of brown. There was a dark blue streak in it, probably one of those that you clip into your hair and it had a peacock feather on it. Her skin, still that same porcelain paleness. Her arms had writing on them. She was wearing a black sheer shirt that showed a black bra underneath with red roses on it, a choker, and dark jeans with combat boots. Her style was similar to Faye's.

There was a crash coming from above us, taking mine and Faye's attention off looking around. We went up the stairs, and went into the room that had only one door opened. Evie was standing inside, atop a black vanity chair. She looked outraged. She was facing the rest of the room, and we looked in the direction she did. In front of a dresser, laid a broken picture frame. We stepped towards it, and I put my arm over Faye, telling her to stay put as I reached for the picture so she didn't hurt herself. It was a happy family portrait of Evie with her parents. She was a toddler, so the age of three probably.
We looked back at Evie, who now had her back to us and she reached up into a hole in the wall that the picture covered. She reached into it, and we watched as her hand pulled out of the hole with a crystal in it.

She had found it. Dawn's, well technically Henry's, crystal.
She stepped down, and I helped her. She was in heels and I didn't want her to fall and break her neck. She sat on the dark bed that you'd find in a vampire's house, and stared at it. At the boathouse she had talked about a memory she had from when she was little. How she didn't notice it until that very moment as she was telling us. Her mother had been on the phone with Dawn, and mentioned a crystal. That's how she knew where it was. And she was, indeed, correct.


We drove down the long highway that hardly ever switched directions except for a few slight turns. Jake drove instead of me, considering by the time we left the house the sun was setting. I sat in the passenger seat, Faye in the back laying across the three seats asleep, and I examined the crystal. It was clear white, the size of my palm, and it interested me how something so little could hold so much power.
But I guess that was a metaphor for the circle. We were small, well, bigger than most, but had a lot of power when joined together. And more powerful since two of us have dark magic flowing through our veins.

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