Chapter 25

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I went to a Halloween party last night as a vampire with my best friend and we scared kids. :)


A faint and distant ringing slowly grew louder. I opened my eyes and looked over at the bedside table, my phone was ringing. I picked it up, and answered.
"Jake? What the hell, it's two in the morning!"
"Just open up please."
"You're at my house?!"

He suddenly hung up, and knocks sounded from downstairs. This man is crazy. I got out of bed sleepily, dragging my body down the stairs to the door. Surely enough, he stood there. I scoffed and opened the door, allowing him to come inside.
He looked disheveled, his hair was a mess and he had dark bags under his eyes.

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked.

"Seventy-two hours ago," he responded.

"So why are you here and not in your bed?"

"I couldn't stop thinking. My mind was literally racing and I just had to see you. To make sure you were okay and you were safe."

"Well I'm safe," I shrugged. "I'm not dead. And a text would've been fine."

"I didn't want to text, anyone could respond if they had your phone."

"I'm fine. God, you look terrible," I sighed. "Come with me." I wrapped my fuzzy robe over my matching pajamas and led the way upstairs. I went down the hall past my bedroom to the last door before my upstairs lounge area.
"Guest bedroom. Now get some sleep."

"Thank you Evie," his voice was so soft and full of emotion. He was really struggling, and I couldn't tell if he blamed himself for my injury and if maybe that's what was wrong.

"Anytime Jake, goodnight."


When the sun came up and my alarm went off, I got up. I took a quick shower to wash off the sleepiness and then got dressed. I wore black high waisted jeans with a green, pink and white floral with black lace top. I added a black leather jacket and black leather boots.
I went downstairs, and found Jake in my kitchen.

"I made coffee, figured you'd be exhausted. I'm sorry for waking you up last night," he said. His voice was deep and groggy, oh how I loved his voice.

"It's fine, I'd rather be woken up to help than sleep through your suffering," I told him as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
"Hungry? I've got yogurt, cereal, granola bars, and oatmeal."

"No, I'm fine. Thank you a lot Evie, last night was the first time in a while I've actually slept without having nightmares about you getting hurt, thanks to me."

"I'm just glad I could help Jake. You're welcome here anytime. Now come on, we're gonna be late to meet up with the rest of the circle."
We were meeting at the abandoned house to wait for Diana and Kate. We figured if there was a way to get rid of the witch hunters, Kate would know. As much as none of us want to see her, she's the only elder left with a clear head.

I drove us to the abandoned house, where Melissa, Faye, Cassie and Adam already were. We went inside and joined them.
"Diana said Kate's almost to her house," Cassie said.

"That's good," I responded. "Hopefully she doesn't try to kill us this time."
While the three girls talked and Jake stood broodingly by a bunch of herbs, Adam walked over to me.

"Can we speak privately?"
I nodded, and we went outside.

"What's up?"

"What are we?" Adam asked. "That kiss the other night at the party. Do we just kiss in the moment and then you tell me it's not a good idea every single time? I'm not dating Diana anymore, and we have something Evie."

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