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„I really don't know Sam." I bite my lower lip, while my finger tips keep tapping the back of my phone pressed to my ear.

„Listen, I can't force you, but I feel like this would be really good for you. Just do this mission with me and Bucky." I sigh. „We could really use your skills."

„You flatter me Wilson." I press my lips together to hide my smile, even though he's not able to see it anyway.

„There's also a space for you at the compound. I think Barnes could really use someone annoying to keep his mind off of Steve."

„Oh you mean his so called best friend that left him?" I can hear him slamming a car door through the phone. Where the hell is he?

„You shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about."

„Oh you know me. Can't help it."

„So is that a yes?" I let out a deep breath. He really knows how to get on my nerves. I start massaging the root of my nose. 

There's not really a reason I shouldn't come to the Avengers compound to help Sam and Bucky with a few missions. I love spending time with Sam and it's really about time I got my ass up. I've been in a real hole lately. Since the blip actually. The problem is not that I bliped, the problem is I didn't.

I never had a lot of people close to me for one specific reason: Losing them sucks. And losing Sam...well that sucked. He was like the only family I had left, even when we're not really related. Saying that, I had a really difficult time letting him get as close to me as he was before. The fear of him leaving again is a constant part of my life.

Oh and of course Bucky bliping too didn't help. We're not as close but he just seems to always get me. Cynical people understand cynical people apparently.

„Ivy you still there?" I jump. I totally forgot I had Sam on the other line.

„Listen Sam I-" I hear a car door slamming right behind me. I jump again and turn around. „What in the hell?" I drop the phone from my ear.

„I knew you'd say yes." Sam grins and walks towards me. He wraps his arms around me and gives me the biggest, warmest hugs. Damn it - he gives the best hugs.

„You're just very convincing." Sam stills in the hug. Then he graps my shoulders and holds me one arm length from him.

„You're actually in?" It's hard to keep from grinning when he looks so hopeful. So I don't hold back and start nodding. His eyes light up just before he lifts me by the waist and swirls me around.

„Oh hell no. Put me down mister. People are gonna think you proposed to me. You're an Avenger and I don't need to be on the cover of any newspaper."

Sam laughs and puts me down. „I already packed up your things. Let's go."

Now it's my turn to laugh. „You're unbelieveable."

„So I've heard."

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