Chapter 2

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I don't actually know what happened. I just know I am now finding myself in the living room leaning against a sideboard. I think there was a lot of hugging, some tears being held back and some actually rolling. And then me in the middle just not knowing what to do whilst feeling very out of place.

Sam introduced me to Nat, she gave me a hug. Almost as good of a hug as Sam gives. Almost. She smells good. Is that normal? I thought she was dead. I don't know if you're supposed to smell that good if you're dead.

Then he introduced me to Steve. He didn't really seem that interested in me. So I didn't say anything, I just nodded and kept staring from a safe distance. He's handsome. I can't deny that but he seems conceided. So not really the type of person I would see myself hanging out with. Although Sam and Bucky seem to love him so what do I know.

„So I went back to return the stones but I couldn't just come back here." Steve's voice cuts through my thoughts. My eyes find him standing in the middle of the room. Sam is standing next to me, arms crossed and listening closely. Bucky is standing behind the couch and leaning over the headrest. Nat is sitting next to Steve on another part of the couch.

„You went to see her." I hear Bucky saying. There was no judgement in his voice. If anything I could hear a tat of compassion. Her? Who's her?

„I had to Buck." That's the first time I heard someone besides me call him that. „I promised her a dance." I grunt. A lazy attempt to hide a full on laugh. All eyes were on me now.

„A dance? Good lord. How old are you?" I bite my bottom lip in hopes of hiding my grin a little. I feel Sam's elbow in my rib. I suck in some air as he touches my sore skin. I feel his look questioning my reaction but I ignore it pretending to be listening to grandpa 2.0's story about Unbelievable.

„Ignore her." Bucky says and I shoot him an amused look. He still thinks he can ignore me away? That's cute. „Why didn't you stay with Peggy?"

Peggy. So that's the mysterious woman Steve Rogers had to give a dance to. Must have been a special lady.

„She was already happy without me." Steve answers. I hear Bucky shift on his feet. „And I couldn't leave you all alone." I want to press my lips together but it's already too late.

„Aw Bucky you got your babysitter back." I hear myself say.

„Could you stop it Y/N?" Sam cuts me a sharp look. His eyes are burning into me. This means trouble and I should probably stop. Why are they so easy to trigger? And why do I find it so amusing?

Bucky looks at Nat „Where did you come from?"

Natasha starts fiddeling with her fingers being seemingly nervous. „When Steve brought back the soulstone he was able to trade a sould for it."

„Holy Crap." Sam says beside me. „Language." I respond remembering an old running gag Sam and Bucky told me about. The looks I earn for it tell me it was the wrong time to revive the joke. I close my eyes for a moment so they don't see me rolling my eyes at them. So damn serious.

„Of course it was a no brainer to pick Nat." Steve says in a tone that underlines how determined he is about it.

„Of all the people you could've brought back..." Natasha starts to respond but Steve cuts her off.

„A no brainer." he shuts her down.

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