Chapter 18

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After I made sure, that Steve is really asleep, I get off the bed as quietly as I can. I put everything back on, while trying to be as quick as I can without waking him. When I'm done and about to open the door, I pause.

My hand on the doorknob I turn back to look at him. He looks so peaceful. I put a blanket over him before, even though I know he probably won't get cold. It just felt wrong to leave him there laying completely naked. I guess he must have been on a mission last night and pretty tired out. Otherwise he would never fall asleep like that. He's a supersoldier. With supersoldier stamina.

I take one last look at him. His chest rising and dropping in a calm rhythm. His mouth the tiniest bit open. I can't help but smile in awe. He really is a beautiful man. I might even actually miss him.

Before I change my mind I shake my head to clear it and then rush through the door, closing it behind me making no sound. I need to get to a car, quickly. So I run down the stairs and out the door before anyone catches me.


Half an hour later I find myself in an apartment building in the center of DC.

It's an old building, with creaking ceilings and uneven floors. So it's quite literally impossible for me to move without making any kind of sound. But as soon as I stand in front of the apartment door of the so called Powerbroker, I notice the sounds playing in my favor. I hear movement inside the flat. A pair of footsteps. So they are alone.

I grab my pistol from the holster around my right leg. Then I push open the – surprisingly unlocked – door. I push my gun forward and hold it in front of me with stretched out arms. 

The apartment is dark. All the curtains are pulled shut, so there is only the tiniest bit of light shining through. Luckily my eyes adjust pretty quickly and even if they didn't I'd still have my ears.

I hear a foreign step coming from one of the rooms in front of me. They know I'm here, otherwise they wouldn't try to be quiet.

„I can hear you." I say. I don't need to yell, because besides the cracking floor panels, there is no sound at all. „You should save us both the trouble and just surrender." Come on. Just show yourself and I can get this over with. All I want is friendly conversation.

I start setting one foot in front of the other, the wood creaking under each step. But I don't care they know where I am anyway, which gives them an advantage that's making me a little uncomfortable. So I move quite quickly, ready to duck or jump out of the way, should they decide to shoot at me.

I make my way down the hallway and turn to step into one of the rooms, when I see someone. I press my gun forward in their direction, ready to put them on their ass, with a cute shot from my weapon.

„Drop the weapon Ivory." I flinch, when I hear my name. The woman in front of me has the same deathstare, as I do. She's blonde and about the same height as me. She also has her gun pointed at me, mimicing my stance.

„How do you know my name?" I demand, without even thinking about dropping my gun.

„You're a legend. Everybody knows you." She answers, still glaring at me, ready for me to make a move.

The corners of my mouth twitch up. „I always knew I was a legend."

I'm flattered, but that doesn't answer my question. To whom am I a legend? Who is she?

„And your name is...?" I try her. She takes a step to my right, so I take one to my left, always keeping her in front of me.

„Not important." She answers. I halt in my steps and tilt my head to the right.

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