Chapter 22

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„How does that feel?"

What did she say? I- Oh God.

The pressure on my head increases dramatically as she presses another button. I whimper. I feel like I might just explode. It's like a tank is rolling over my skull and it's slowly but surely beginning to crack. I feel like I actually hear it crack.

„Okay, seems like it's not pleasent." Sharon puts down a note in her tablet, before she grabs the remote again.

„Sharon." I gasp, trying to catch some air. „Please." I press out. „A break."

She looks down on me. A smirk finds her lips „Pardon?"

If I had the strenght, I'd roll my eyes. But considering I am having trouble catching my breath or even forming a thought, i can't. I swallow. A miserable attempt to wet my dry mouth.

„I-" but I can't get a word out.

„Oh, honey." I hear Sharon say. Suddenly I feel a crushing pain filling my head and my entire body. And there is nothing besides that pain. No thought, no emotion, nothing. Just incredible pain.

Suddenly the pain stops. My throat is sore. I must have been screaming.

Sharon doesn't say anything. I tilt my head a little to the side, as much as I can bare, which isn't a lot. She's gone. The machine is out and Sharon is gone.

„STOP THEM!" I hear her scream from quite far behind me. What is happening?

I still can't move as I see a blue blast go off from one of the weapons. I would have flinched but I can't. I look in the direction I see the blast going. It hit's a barrier.

The room we're in is very big. It's a huge space to test the weapons in. They have a few different rooms for that and in the past 2 months I've circled between all of them. This one is the biggest. There's a big door at the end of the room. That's where the blast was headed and then collided with something, that was definitely not the door.

It hit something a little closer, just a few feet. And the object slid back a little when it was hit. I have felt that weapon before. It should have sent whatever it hit flying out that door.

I squint my eyes, to focus on whatever is before me. I make out a silhouette. A human silhouette. My heart starts beating faster. Who could they be shooting? They wouldn't be shooting their own men, would they? Or did somebody go rogue?

I manage to sit myself up a little to get a little closer to the scene.

„AGAIN!" I hear Sharon shout again. Then I see the silhouette starting to run towards us. Towards the blast that's being send. It hits again. Stopping the person and sending it back a few feet.

I finally manage to focus and I notice a detail that sends my whole body shaking.

I see a circular shield.

„Oh my God." I breathe, barely making a sound. A second later he steps out of the dark into a beam of light. His eyes find mine and feel like I might suffocate as I recognise his now-bearded face.

I fall back against the back of the chair.


Am I dreaming? Oh God please don't tell me I'm dreaming. I haven't felt this much hope since the day I went after Sharon, the Powerbroker.

My lip starts shaking from fear, this might all not be real.

The door behind Steve slams open and a few guys start shooting at him. In other-world-like speed he turns around and puts his shield between him and the bullets.

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