Chapter 1

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A few days later Bucky, Sam and I are on the mission. Sam said something about stolen materials we have to secure. To be honest, I never really listen during the briefing. The most important part for me is how we attack. What do I care what we're saving? As long as it's no fucking Infinity Stone.

A shiver travels down my spine at the thought of the Stones. When Thanos snapped his stupid fingers a ripple went through the world. I could feel it. Everyone could. It was the weirdest thing I ever felt and I don't really like to think about it. So I ban the thought from my mind immediately and instead try and focus on the bad guys coming at me.

We're at a container haven. Which is perfect because there can be someone waiting for you behind every corner and a container haven contains a lot of corners. 

A guy dressed in black (of course) is running towards me. He pulls back his arm but before he can actually punch, I slide to the ground and put him on his ass. He tries to kick me to the ground, but my foot is already to his head to knock him out.

I feel a grap from behind and before I can even blink, I'm being pulled back. „It's over honey." I feel his warm and disgusting breath against my ear. Ew.

„Oh noo." I say acting scared and ram my elbow into his rips. Again and again, until he finally losens his grip. I turn around and kick him between his legs. There's just something so satisfying in feeling a bad guys jewels crushing against my shin. 

He moans and bends over. My knee finds his nose twice before he finally drops to the ground.

„How's it going you guys?" I ask into my earpiece. Before I can get an answer I am on the ground because someone took my legs from right under me. I see him now standing over me. He kicks me in my ribs, a sharp pain shoots through my body, I moan but I keep my eyes on the guy. I push my legs forward to kick him to the ground. His body obeys and drops right next to me. I pull myself up, to throw myself on him and get him in a tight grip to cut off his air.

„Need any help?" I first hear Bucky through the earpiece and then see him walking straight towards me. I also see two guys coming up right behind him.

„No, but you got company." My fingers find the knife in the holster of the guy who's still struggling under my body. „Catch!" I yell at Bucky before I losen the blade and throw it right at him. He catches it right before his face. Oops.

„A little close doll." He easily fights the two guys off and then throws the knife into one of them.

„Maybe you should work on your reflexes grandpa." I say as the guy's body finally relaxes under me. God, that was a fucking hard nut to crack.

„Could you two knock it off?" I hear Sam in my ear. „I found the container. We're going in."

„Coming." Bucky and I say at the same time as we start making our way towards Sam.

- After the mission -

I get out of the shower, dry my hair with a towel and put on some short sweatpants. One look in the mirror confirms my suspicions. There is a huge haematoma reaching from under my boob all the way around my rip cage to my spine. Great. I carefully slide my fingers over it and instantly flinch. Damn I forgot what being on missions does to your body. And this is nothing compared to the injuries I used to get on Shield's missions.

I sigh and pull a sleeveless top over my head and over my core to hide the gross condition of my skin. My feet slip into my shoes and I make my way down the stairs and out the back door of the compound.

It's a mild spring day and the sun is already about to set. The cool breeze plays with my still damp hair for a minute before moving on to greater things. I see Sam and Bucky talking in the garden while throwing the shield around. That damned shield. The only thing this Steve left behind before leaving.

I cross my arm and hold back a shiver before I make my way down to them.

„You guys can't help but throw that shield around, huh?" I joke as my feet stop right next to Sam. Bucky lowers his stare onto me. He likes to do that. Stare – I mean.

„You should really watch your mouth." he threatens. If I wouldn't know him better his look might actually scare me.

„You know I'm just kidding Barnes." I try to calm him. Before he could put a hole in me with his stare we hear the sound of a car pulling up the long street to the compound. I turn around and try to figure out who it is. The only thing I can make out is the brand. An Audi. I don't know anyone who drives an Audi.

„Whose car is that?" I hear Sam ask.

„You stole my question." I say. The car is now almost there. I automaticaly brace myself for fight. Sam glances over his shoulder back at me and sees me ready to punch my way through it. His eyes go back to the car. He seems so confused. As if he's starting to realize something.

„What? You know the car?"

„I did but..."

„'s not possible." Bucky finishes Sam's sentence. The tone of his voice turns my stomach to ice. My focus goes from Sam to Bucky and then back to the car. I can hear the wheels crunch over the pebbles of the driveway. The vehicle is coming to a stop. I hold my breath even though I have no idea what's going on.

I take a step forward so I stand beside Sam. I grab his arm to stabilize him and myself. The doors open and I can feel Sam stiffing at my side. The driver steps out first and I need a minute to realise what I'm seeing and why Bucky is sucking in a sharp breath.

Steve Rogers aka Captain America is standing behind the driver's car door and looking in our direction. It takes everything from me to not drop my chin to my feet.

„Oh my god" I gasp. „is that...?" Before I can finish the passenger steps out of the car. The first thing I see is red hair. Then I feel Sam stiffening even more. I didn't think that was even possible.

„Nat." he whispers.

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