Chapter 12

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I had the whole night to figure out what exactly had happened with Rogers. I couldn't. He's so frustrating. Why does he have to act like that? And why does my stomach flutter everytime he looks at me with that fury in his eyes. This is madness.

I look up and see Bucky staring at me. We're sat opposite each other at the kitchen table. The very one I suggested Rogers take me on. I shake the thought.

„Okay James, what is it?" I drop my fork into my plate. I'm not eating anyways. Neither is he. He's just looking. „You're staring again."

„Look, a good friend can only observe for so long before he has to speak his mind, Ivy." 

„So speak your mind." I answer. I try to read his emotions but if someone's good at hiding them it's James Buchanan Barnes.

„What are you doing with Steve?" The question hits me out of nowhere and slaps me across my face. I cringe. I really don't want to talk about Rogers again.

„I swear to God, Bucky. Leave me the fuck alone." I scoot my chair back and take my plate. I want to get out of this situation. I stand up. When I look back at Bucky he's smirking. I let go of my plate and stare him down.

„Wipe that stupid smirk off your face or I will." I lean over the table, my hands gripping its edge. „You know damn well what I'm doing. I'm looking out for myself. The same way I always do."

His expression softens when he looks at me.

„I know you are." He says.

„Then what do you want from me?" I let go off the table and cross my arms in front of my chest. Bucky's look intensifies. It's like he's staring straight into my soul.

„To protect you from you." I raise an eyebrow. I hate being talked to and not understanding a thing.

„Whatever that means." I sigh.

„I know you Ivy." My eyes find his again. He looks serious. „If you keep coming at people like that, they will end up hurting you. Even though that's the thing you're trying to avoid." It takes him a second to continue. „And I'm tired of seeing you hurt." My heart skips a beat.

He's dead serious and means every word. I know because even though he seems to be struggling, he keeps eyecontact with me. I slowly sink back into my chair.

„Wow...Bucky I-" I can't finish that sentence. I never knew he actually cared so much about me. I always knew we're friends, but...again: Bucky is hard to read when he's not talking – which is most of the time. „I don't know what to say." I admit. He scoffs amused.

„Well that's a first." he looks at me with a tiny smile. My heart warms. I know what I have to do with Steve.

„Thank you Buck." I say holding eyecontact again. I mean it and he should know that. I actually needed to know that he cares about me. Maybe it's worth not pushing everyone away.

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