Chapter 3

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Later that day I make my way down to the kitchen to get some water.

Right after the conversation I went straight to my room. I didn't want to interfere their cute little reunion any further. They seemed to already be fed up with me, so why push any further. Although I would have really enjoyed to trigger them a little more. Especially Rogers.

He seems so stuck up and just...not chill at all. I really want to pull that stick out of his ass but I don't think he'd like that.

„Hey Ivy! Come here for a sec." I jump as I suddenly hear Sam's voice from around the corner where the lounching area is. I fill my glass up with water and make my way to him.

„What's up dad?" I say in an innocent tone. He sits in one of the huge lounging chairs. His hands are fiddeling with something that looks like a part of his Falcon suit. „Need any help with that?" I point at the piece. Of course I have absolutely no clue about his tech stuff.

„Funny." he responds and finally looks up at me. „You should slow down with your jokes you know."

„Come on I'm not that bad." I frown and look at him determined. He let's out a sigh.

„Steve is really going through it and your jokes aren't helping." I still. What? Am I now supposed to adapt to someone I don't even know? What do I know if he's going through it? I do know that my kind of humor can come across harsh but...

„You know I don't mean any harm." Being fucking hilarious is honestly just my way of dealing with this messed up world. Are things really still that bad if you can joke about them?

„Yeah I know that. But obviously Steve doesn't know you like I do." How could he? We only just met. Oh good lord I might have kind of messed up.

I begin to chew on my bottom lip. „I really upset him, didn't I?" Sam presses his lips together and looks at me in a compassionate way. He knows I didn't mean to hurt anyone. But I did. Now it's my turn to let out a sigh.

„I should go apologise." Sam begins to smile a little.

„Go do that." I start nodding but my thoughts are already drifting elsewhere. How could I make it up to someone like Steve Rogers? If he really is going through it like Sam is saying he needs a distraction. And there is only one way to distract Captain America, right?

„I have an idea!" I unfreeze and turn on my heel.

No! Ivy, no ideas!" But I am already out the door to go to the file room.

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