Chapter 24 🌶️

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Phenominal." Pierce's voice appears in my head. Is he in the room? Where did he come from?

It is, isn't it?" That's Sharon.

She really is stronger than them."

I've never seen either of them heal that quickly." The excitement in her voice is uncanny. „The experiments will be so much more fun. We can commence them at a higher rate, if she keeps healing like that."

Fun, indeed." Pierce's voice is really close now. I hear the creak of a door and then footsteps right in front of me, but I still can't see. It's so dark.

I feel fingers on my cheeks. Gripping my face into one hand. And turning it to the side. I whimper.

But she still can't see, can she?" His voice is right in front of me.

I blasted her face quite well." Sharon giggles. I feel the panic rise to my organs. She blasted my face and now I can't see? Another whimper leaves my mouth.

Shhhh." Pierce says. He let's go of my face and a splitsecond later I feel his fingers stroking my skin. The straps around my limbs and my torso keep me from resisting.

We've also been working on a serum to further support the healing. We could induce her with it and hope her eyes are back to normal tomorrow, so we can continue our studies." She says it so normal. As if I was a tree and they wanted to put water on me to see if I'd grow faster.

Do that." Pierce's fingers leave my skin. Do that?? Make me heal even faster, so they can experiment more? I want to cry! I want to scream! I want to run! I need to get out of here.

Get. Me. Out. Of. Here!!!

I snap out of it and find myself in my bed. I sit up. My whole body is shaking. My sheets are damp with sweat. My mouth is completely dried out and my throat is sore. I must have been screaming again.

I run my shaky fingers through my hair and try to calm my breathing.

I'm home. I'm in my bed. I am safe. They can't get me.

„Are you okay?" I hear a voice and immediately react to it.

„Bucky?" I ask full of hope. When he sleeps here again, I might actually sleep too.

I guide my eyes to my door and it's not Bucky, that's standing there. Eyes full of pain, shoulders dropped.

„No, just me." Steve says, looking at the floor. My stomach turns to stone. Oh God. That must have hurt him.

„Oh Steve, I am so sorry, I thought..." I press out, still trying to catch my breath.

„Bucky is still on a mission." He says, still not looking at me.

„It's fine, was just a nightmare." I bury my face in my hands to whipe away some of the sweat lingering on my skin.

„Anything I can help you with?" He says. He sounds like a little shy school boy. Despite the suffocating thoughts circling my mind I chuckle.

„Only if you want to sleep here." I speak before I think. Then it hits me. Why did I say that? I can't do that to him! I look up and find his eyes. They are radiating shock. „I'm sorry, that was so fucking inappropriate. I don't know what I was thinking, I haven't had a good night's sleep in 3 months."

„I'm fine with it. If it helps you." He says without breaking eye contact. His offer seems so sincere, that I nod slowly.

He makes his way to my bed and around it. My eyes follow him. I can't do that, can I?

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