Chapter 8

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The next morning I'm walking down the hall towards some of the conference rooms. I have no business there other than walking with Sam to catch up. I told him about yesterday. Not saying anything about the part where Bucky had to help me. He doesn't need to know. He seems mad but in classic Sam manner he's still calm.

„You haven't spoken to Steve since?" He asks me.

„No and I don't plan on it." I mumble. He can suck his own dick for all I care.

„Then you might want to leave now because he's already waiting for me in the conference room." I immediately come to a halt. Sam stops a few steps ahead and turns around. „I'm sorry." he says.

I puff out air through my nose. He has nothing to be sorry for and he knows it. I give him a nod. A gesture that he is free to leave. So he turns around and disappears into one of the conference rooms.

You look rough." I hear Sam say.

It's nothing. Don't worry." That voice sends shivers of anger down my spine. I should probably leave but my feet seem to be rooted to the floor.

Ivy already told me."

God, she's so frustrating." I press my lips against each other and take a deep breath through my nose. Calm down Ivy.

She's gone through more than most." Is that a tat of frustration I can hear in Sam's voice? He hardly let's it show if he's angry with someone. Should I really let him fight my battles like this?

Doesn't give her the right to act like that." I should really just leave. But this enfuriates me so much. I begin moving towards the room.

Like what?" Sam's voice is louder now that I am almost at the door.

Just...irritating." I come to a halt in the doorway and my jaw drops. Did he really just say that?

„Who? Me?" Rogers is sitting in a chair facing away from me. Sam is on the other side of the table looking straight at me. His face tells me he wishes I wasn't here. I can see Cap's chair turning around. He's looking straight up at me. „I am irritating?"

„Oh don't act surprised." He says. I have a hard time telling my jaw not to drop at everything he throws my way. Just...the audacity. He is the one who threw me against a wall to get information out of me.

„Have you met you?" My voice is higher and louder than I anticipated. He just makes me so angry.

„Pardon?" He stands up as if to threaten me. Sam shifts on his feet but I'm not scared. I even take a step closer to him.

„You are so much more irritating, Rogers!" I throw at him. „Yes I joke a lot but at least I don't bother everyone with my mysery! Also I don't tell people how they should act or live their lives!"

„Maybe I should act more like you, Morris, joke my life away and never accomplish anything." I narrow my eyes. He did not just say that to me.

„Go to hell!" I yell at him.

„I'm already there!" He yells back. For a moment we just stand there like two silent statues furious with each other. Both panting, just staring the other down. I would love to rip his throat out in this moment. Or punch out his straight white teeth. Or stab him in his pretty blue eyes. Make his perfect lips bleed.

I take a deep breath to collect myself and then tear my stare away from his lips. Damn it. I unfreeze my body.

„Okay then." I say and look behind Steve. „Sam, I will see you at my birthday party tonight and Rogers..." I look at him. He still looks angry but also a little confused. I prepare to throw something at him but I'm tired. Tired of this bullshit. „...whatever"

I turn on my heel and leave the room. Fucking idiot.

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