Chapter 32 🌶️

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I let Steve enter my parents' cabin before me. While he takes a few steps in and turns a few times, to take it all in, I drop my bag next to the door and take of my shoes.

Then I look at him and take him in for a second. His tall built. His muscles, I can't really see under his jacket but I know they're there. His broad shoulders. His handsome face.

I can feel my stomach flutter and my thighs wobble, as warmth builds up in my lower belly.

Steve stops a few steps into the living room, turns around and looks at me with raised brows.

„Come here." I whisper and hold out my hand to him. As soon as he takes it I pull him towards me and kiss him. He sucks in some air through his nose caused by the intensity of my kiss. I want him to know, how much I need him right now.

His hands wander over my waist, to my back and roam up and down there. I pull away a bit to look at him. His hands are driving me crazy.

„You have no idea how much I've missed you." I whisper. He looks at me, breathless.

„Show me." he whispers back. It's all the confirmation I need before I clash my lips and my body into him.

I waste no time opening the zipper on his jacket, then pulling it over his shoulders and throwing it to the ground. I drop my own coat, while Steve pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his glorious body to me.

I stare at him with nothing but hunger in my eyes. I'm absolutely feral right now. That's what he does to me.

„Oh yes, I've missed this." I breathe, before I kiss him again. Even harder this time. Steve seems to be just as impatient as me, because instead of putting my dress over my head, he just rips it open in one swift motion. And that pure animosity in his action almost makes me forget my name, as I guide him towards the couch.

I rip at the zipper of his jeans and he steps out of it on our way to the sofa.

When I look down and see that huge bulk of his pressing against his boxer briefs, I can't help but let out a quiet moan. Steve grabs my hair and pulls so I have to look back up at him.

„Forget the couch." He breathes and kisses me so roughly I actually forget my name for a second. Then he grabs me under my legs and lifts me up, before laying me down on the carpet. I giggle at the lightness of his movement. But I immediately stop, when I see him standing over me, with nothing but his underwear seperating me from what I want. I come up to my elbows and look at him.

„Are you just going to stare at me, or are we doing this, Rogers?" I ask with a wicked grin on my lips.

„Excuse me for staring, I've just been missing that body of yours." He's over me on all fours in a second, his face floating over mine. My hand lifts up and I begin tracing the lines of his face.

His eyebrows, his nose, his cheekbones, his jawline, his chin and those treacherous lips, that can make me lose all senses. I don't even know where I want them first. I need them all over my body.

As if he read my mind, he lowers himself.

His lips start on my neck, below my ear. I whimper at the softness of his touch on that spot I love so much. My head turns so he has even more space, to kiss on my neck.

He starts trailing kisses down, towards my collarbone. He flicks out his tongue, as he moves lower to my breasts. One movement and he has my bra ripped in two and thrown far away.

„Hey, that was my favorite bra, you-" I start cursing but I stop because a moan slips out, as his tongue glides over my nipple. „God." I breathe.

„You God? Am I a God to you, Morris?" I can feel his wicked lips form into a grin against my skin and I curse him. Curse him for being so God damn good.

He continues licking and sucking on my breast, his hand covering the other. My back arches away from the floor as pleasure washes over me. His beard tickling my sensitive skin doesn't help.

He lowers his hips onto me and I can feel his bulk pushing against the apex of my thighs. Another moan escapes me and I wrap me legs around his hips, to pull him closer to me, but he resists.

When I look down he's looking up at me with a satisfied grin.

„You're cruel." I say.

„No." His voice is raspy. His hand glides down my stomach and finds that spot between my thighs. I cry out a little, not breaking eyecontact as his grin widens.

„Just want you to savor every. Single. Moment." He pushes down on me harder with every single one of those three words and I cry out again.

He tears away my slip and his finger is back onto me in a split second. He begins trailing small, slow circles over the bundle of nerves. So slow. So cruel.

„Steve." I whimper. He pushes two fingers inside me and my back arches again. My thighs are pulling him towards me even more. I need him. Now. „Please."

I hate that I'm the one begging right now. When I look at him, he seems to be enjoying it immensely. So I catch him off guard and turn the tables on him.

Now I am on top of him. Fully naked, while he's still in his boxers.

As he looks up at me with shock in his eyes, I mimic the wicked grin he granted me earlier and lower myself onto his hardness. He sucks in a breath.

When I begin moving over his crotch and swallow down my own pleasure from the touch against me, his expression shifts. He closes his eyes and his lips open a bit to let out a quiet groan.

„Not so fun now, is it?" I ask, still grinning down on him. He opens his eyes. They are dark with desire.

„Ivy." He whispers with a raspy voice and I pin down his hands on the floor as he tries reaching for me. I know he wants to touch me, but I won't let him. Not so fast at least.

„What?" I ask with playful innocence.

„Please." I know he wants me to release him from the prison of his underwear. He wants to feel me as much as I want to feel him. But I need to return the favor of torture. I deepen my movement on him, my insides clenching from the wave of pleasure rushing through my body.

„Fuck." Steve cries out.

„Just say it Steve." I say and stroke my hips over him another time.

„Please, Ivy. I need you." He says and his eyes find mine.

„God, you're sexy when you beg."

I grab his underwear, rip it off of him and then I'm onto him.

We both moan loudly, as I slip is length inside me, and sit myself down.

„Holy Shit, Ivy."

Hearing him say my name drives me nuts.

I begin moving up and down on him, drawing small circles. Each stroke of his skin against me and the sensation of having him inside me, makes me lose all my senses and drives me closer to that edge.

Steve sits up, wraps one arm around me, while I keep pushing up and down. His other hand cups my breast and he glides his tongue over it. I tilt back my head and moan out his name, not needing to be quiet since we're not in the compound.

My elbows rest on his shoulders and my fingers rip through his hair. As pleasure takes over all of our actions I can't really tell where I end and Steve begins.

I look down into his ocean blues and press my lips onto his. I can't hold the kiss for too long, because my breath is going so fast, I feel like I might just suffocate.

Before I know it, Steve has me on my back, rubbing against the carpet with every thrust he grants me. I wrap my legs around him.

„Harder, Steve." I beg him and he obeys. I try to grab onto something – anything – to steady myself, while Steve pumps into me again and again. I find the leg of the sofa and grab it. 

„Fuck, Steve." I breathe out and he answers with a deep groan. He seems to be close, but so am I.

One of his hands wanders under my head and he tightens his fingers into my hair, pulling it. I cry out as the pleasure takes over and spreads from the apex of my body through my legs and upwards into my stomach, my chest and then just takes over my whole body.

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