Chapter 13 🌶️

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After Bucky's pep talk I feel the need to apologise to Steve. Maybe I was a bit toxic with him. It doesn't mean he's right, but I could be the bigger person here. I never am. Maybe it will lead to him apologising too. Who knows. But at least I would've done my part.

His door is open when I arrive in front of it.

„Rogers?" I say into the room and take one step inside. He doesn't answer. So I take another step. „Hellooo?" My heart is beating a little faster than usual. Am I nervous to do this? Of course I am. I never apologise for being funny. But this time I might have gone a little far.

I turn around and my soul leaves my body when I see him standing right behind me. He scared the crap out of me. But not only that. He's wearing nothing but a towel around his hips. Well...very low on his hips. My mouth goes dry.

„What are you doing here?" He asks me with no emotion whatsoever in his voice. I pull my eyes from his V-muscles and find his eyes.

„F-fancy seeing you here." I stutter. Pull yourself together! You see a half naked man and are flustered? How old are you?

Well I'm 26 and it's been a while. Am I really having a full on conversation with myself right now?

„This is my room." Steve says, crossing his arms before him. It takes all the strength inside of me to not look at his flexed arms. You're still mad. Remember?

„Yeah, right...listen..." I begin. I'm not really good at talking. I take a deep breath. „I wanted to apologise. I get extra toxic when I'm hurt." I say that way too quickly. But now it's out. Steve looks at me and appears to take a deep breath too.

„Then maybe I should apologise for hurting you." My heart jumps. Yes!

„You should." I answer.

„You're just so hard to apologise to." When he says the word hard my insides tingle. What is happening to me? I push myself away from the sideboard I've been holding onto and before I can think about it I take a few steps towards him. His scent finds my nose. He smells like a shower. And aftershave. I lick my lips. They are as dry as my mouth.

„Why?" I ask. My voice is quiet and raspy. „Do I get under your skin Stevieboy?" I feel like I'm about to fall into the ocean eyes he has fixed on my every movement.

I come to a halt because now he's the one beginning to close the distance between us. Slowly he takes a few steps towards me. Is it just me or is this room gigantic?

I want to be closer to him. He's merely a few centimeters from me now. I look down at his abs. They are still a little wet. Well...

My eyes wander a little lower and- oh God. I swallow.

„You just talk too much." His voice sends shivers down my spine. He lifts his hands. His fingers find the flannel I'm wearing. The first button comes undone. Then the second. My heart is going to shoot out of my chest. What are we doing? I hate him!

I look up at him. He looks down at me. The dominance in his eyes has me throbbing.

„Would you like me to stop talking, Steve?" When I say his name, I can see a wave of desire shoot through his eyes. My lips part and a breath escapes them.

„I would love that." I've never heard his voice sound so deep. I look down and my flannel is alsmost completely unbuttoned. I'm not wearing anything underneath.

The last button plops open. He hold the edges of the shirt in his hands and parts them. When I look back up at him, his blue eyes are taking in my breasts.

„Steve." I breathe. He tears his eyes away and looks at me. My heart is pumping so hard I might have a heart attack. His lips shimmer in the dimmed light of his room. „I-" But before I can finish, my face shoots forward and my lips hit his.

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