Chapter 26

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After my talk with Sam, I know what I have to do. What I want to do. Even though the plan forming in my head may come in my way later. But I need to talk with Steve. I have some things to say.

I find myself in front of his room. Before my nerves get the best of me and have me running in the opposite direction, I lift my fist and knock. He opens after what feels like forever. I bite down a laugh, when I see him in his outfit.

He's wearing a bathrobe.

„Nice outfit choice." I look him up and down, still holding back a mocking grin. But I think he sees it in my eyes, because he grants me a shy smile.

„I was about to get into the shower, when you knocked." he explains. Then he moves out of the way and gestures me to come inside. So I rush into his room and start speaking immediately.

„I'm sorry for interrupting. This won't take much of your time." I turn around to him, to see him slowly walking towards me. He's almost closed the distance between us. I'm having trouble catching my breath or even forming a logical thought, when he stops just a few inches in front of me. His eyes looking down on mine. The slightest hint of a cocky grin on his lips. As if he knows exactly what I came to tell him.

„Don't look at me like that. I need to concentrate." I push out. My voice doesn't sound very threatening, as I am still trying to catch some air.

Steve's gaze bores into me. He lifts his hand and gently puts a strand of my hair behind my ear. My heart is jumping trampoline right now.

„Then concentrate." his voice is so dark, it's not much more than a whisper. He's challenging me.

„I- Okay, this is tough." I stammer and place my hand on his chest, pushing back a little. „You're way too close for me to think straight."

„Should I-"

„No!" I interrupt him. „Don't move." My fingers find the collar of his bathrobe and I curl them around it. My eyes inspecting the fabric, like it's the most interesting thing on this planet. Well when Captain America is the one wearing it, it might be.

„This is so confusing." I can hear a smile in his tone, so I look up at him, meeting his gaze.

„That's the problem, Rogers." I sigh. „You drive me so fucking crazy, it's ridiculous. I feel like a mad woman, when I'm around you. I can't concentrate." I see him lick his lips and it sends my body throbbing. „But why can't I get enough?" I whisper, still staring at his soft – now wet and shiny – lips.

„I've been trying to figure that out for a while now." his voice sends a shiver down my spine and I find his eyes again. He seems to be so much closer now. My heart threatens to jump out of my chest. 

Do I really want this? Want him? Yes. I definitely want him. But do I want to be emotionally dependant on someone else? As a matter of fact, I just realise that I already am. And that's fucking scary.

„I'm so scared, Steve." I whisper and look down. He places his forehead on mine. I can feel his breath.

„I know." he says back. I feel my throat closing up.

„Please don't leave me." I bring out and look up to him again, brushing our noses against each other. Our lips are now irrevocably about to touch.

„I won't." he breathes, right before slowly and gently putting his mouth on mine, still giving me time to pull back. But I don't. I pull on the collar of his gown, squeezing my eyes shut. Wanting nothing but to feel the sensation of our lips touching.

Although my body fills with desire, I am still caught up in that anxiety, that leads me to not move any further and just enjoy the safety of his kiss.

Steve lifts up his hand and cups my cheek with it. I lean in a bit more, moving my lips slowly against his. His other hand wanders to my waist, pulling me in tighter. I can feel him getting a little aroused against my belly.

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