Chapter 9

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I stand in front of the big mirror in my room at the Avengers compound. It's still hard for me to feel at home here, especially since Nat and Steve arrived. Or...since Steve arrived. I like Nat and I feel like she likes me.

But with Rogers around I feel like I always have to be on my toes. He could be around any corner starting another fight. That's part of the reason I'm glad he's not coming tonight. I just need a break. I want to get drunk, dance and laugh with my friends.

I drive my hand down my waist to smoothen out the fabric whilst I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing black tights and a simple black dress. Simple but effective. Because it shows off my body in all the right places. I feel powerful.

A knock on my door.

„Almost ready." I yell and whilst I'm quickly putting on my shoes. As soon as I'm finished I rush to the door and open it.

„Gosh Ivy." I blush. „You know...good." I laugh.

„Don't Bucky - you might have a stroke from complimenting me." He shows one of his rare smiles.

„Yeah, you're probably right." I grab the arm he's holding out and we make our way downstairs to the big party. I told Sam, Bucky and Nat to invite whoever they want. I already have the most important people here.

I don't even know if I'm ready for a big party but I make believe I am because I have to. I need this. Distraction. Fun. We all do. Rogers might need it too, if only he could spell the word fun.

As soon as we set foot in the huge room and I see all those people dancing, talking and having fun I know where I need to go.

„Bar." I say and Bucky just nods. His face tells me he feels the same way I do. There are a lot of people.

„Right behind you." Buck mumbles and follows me to the bar.

„4 Jägermeister." I order.

„Starting off strong." I hear Sam saying right behind me. Before I turn to him I say to the bartender: „Make that 6."

„Oh no." Sam laughs. Then he pulls me into a warm hug. I breathe in his smell. „Happy birthday Ives, but no." As soon as he let's go of me I punish him with a big pout.

„You really want to leave me hanging like that Sam Wilson?"

„Oh I think I'm gonna have to Ivory Morris." The shots come and I look at Bucky. We both down 2 shots in a row. Then I look at Sam trying to hand him one of his. He doesn't move. I tilt my head in silent challenge. Then I down his shot, take the second one and down that too.

„You suck." I say and then grab Buckys hand to pull him to the dance floor.

„I love you too." I hear Sam yell behind me. I focus on the warm feeling in my stomach and my head and on the people ahead of me. As soon as we're in the middle of the floor I let go of Bucky's hand and start moving my body. I feel a lot lighter than 2 minutes ago.

„Uhm doll?" I look at Bucky, still dancing. „You know I don't dance." He looks very amused though.

„Then why let me pull you out here?" I laugh. He's got super strength so he could have easily stopped.

„Well" he says looking down at me dancing right in front of him. Scanning my body. „It's still fun to watch" His eyes find mine. Once again I am laughing.

„You're such a flirt." I turn away from him and start dancing even more. Really feeling the music and enjoying the little flutter in my stomach. I love Bucky almost as much as I am sure he hates me sometimes but I never thought of him as more than a friend. It's still fun to flirt. It always is.

When I look behind me I can see that Bucky left the dance floor. Awkward old man. I chuckle. Speaking of awkward old men. I look at the big balcony Bucky and I came down from only to see Sam with Rogers. They aren't really talking. I just see Sam looking at Steve and him looking Oh dear god he's staring.

There it is again, that sensational fluttery feeling in my belly. I quickly look away. He's actually staring. So then maybe, I should give him something to really stare at. A smirk finds my lips.

I let my mind drift into the beat and begin to let my body lean into the music. My hips, my arms, my hair – everything is starting to move now. I want that Captain Annoying to see who he's enfuriating. My booty finds the rhythm of the song. I drive my hands through my hair and then put my arms up in the air, throwing my head back. Laughing. Having the time of my life. I even forget who I'm doing it for.


I don't know how long I am dancing for. I just remember seeing Rogers and Sam gone and not caring. I am fully invested in the music.

The DJ changes to a much slower song and pulls me out of my trance. I look around and see no one familiar so I decide to just go back to the bar. I need more fuel.

As I am waiting for my drink I remember the scene with Steve earlier. I remember telling him to stay away from my party. So why come then? Is he really that ignorant?

„Happy Birthday, Ivy." I spin around to see Captain Rogers leaning against the bar looking at me. If I didn't know him better I'd say he's actually smiling at me. I see images of him flash before my mind. Him yelling at me and me yelling back. 

„I thought I told you not to come, Rogers." I try to sound and look as icy as I can. Because that's not at all what is happening. It feels more like my insides are burning. I'm on fire. I am raging.

„Actually I believe your exact words were..."whatever"" Is he laughing at me? I pretend not to notice.

„Same thing soldier boy." I put my hand on my hips to get a better hold of myself. In this moment the bartender brings our drinks. Rogers takes his and takes a step towards me.

„I just wanted to say happy birthday."

„Apparently you wanted to be kicked in the ass too." My look is still icy but I feel like my thin lips might give away the raging fire inside of me. I lick them and then press them together in hopes he doesn't notice.

„Listen..." he begins but I put my hand up to stop him.

„Actually, I don't want to." I look him up and down. He's wearing a blue shirt that fits juuust the right amount of tight on his arm muscles and his packs. I bet those jeans hug his ass pretty perfectly too-...I-...What is happening? Must be the alcohol. Speaking of which:

„I want to drink. A lot. And dance." I take my drink. „With Sam, Bucky and other people I actually care about." There are literally no other people I care about but he doesn't have to know that.

I see my poison hit its target when his lips turn into a thin line and he bows his head a little. My stomach turns but I can't feel sorry for him, can I? Not after everything he's done. Right?

„See yourself out, would you?" I make to turn away from him to find the others.

„I live here."

„Then go to your room, Steve." I throw over my shoulder.

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