Chapter 4

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After I take a file out of the case room I make my way to Rogers' room to apologise. What's happening? Am I really apologising for being fucking hysterical? I mean: Isn't it his problem he can't take a joke?

Okay I definitely need to pace myself. Not everyone's wired the same. Some people get dealing with trauma the way I do it and some people don't. The Captain certainly doesn't. Do I call him that? Captain. I mean Sam calls him Captain. But it feels kind of like I'm putting myself below him.

I come to a stop before his old room. I figured he'd stay here. In hopes there hasn't been a random room change I lift my fist to knock. Three times. That seems decent.

„Captain?" I say through the door and instantly cringe. This is weird. „Rogers?" I ask again.

Still no answer. I knock again. He's a supersoldier, right? He should be able to open the door at super speed. I lay my ear flat against the door and listen. Nothing.

„Oh come on." I moan. Why can't this be easy? So now I have to search the whole fucking compound to express an apology. Perfect. I look at the ceiling like it's sky.

„Why do you hate me?" I ask the imaginary all-knowing creature watching over me.

I am walking towards the prep room when I hear punching sounds coming from the training room. I roll my eyes. Why didn't I think of it sooner? Of course Captain America goes straight back to training as soon as he returns from dancing with his former lover in the past.

I lean against the doorframe and cross my arms. He's faced away from me towards a punching bag hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the gigantic room. Stark really didn't save money when it comes to this freaking huge building.

Punch after punch is hitting the sand sack that's dancing in front of Rogers like he's tickling it. When I box the stupid sack it barely moves. Traitor I think.

I should probably say something but I'm too busy watching the muscles on his back shift under his pretty tight white shirt. Damn, Captain. The sound of his punches becomes distant as I stare at him letting out all of his anger. That seems to be a lot of frustration thrown at that poor punching bag.

I jerk as he lands his final punch at the sand sack unlocking it from the ceiling. The sack crushes to the floor with a loud bang. I blink a few times before I realize what happened. Rogers is still standing on the same spot, breathing heavily and looking at the fallen sack.

He punched the fucking punching bag out of its bracket!

I don't know wether to be disturbed or aroused. Fucking hell.

Before my mind can spin off any further I collect myself and take a few steps towards him.

„I thought I'd find you here." Steve turns around, apparently not shocked by my sudden appearance at all. Is he made of stone?

„How?" he starts hanging up a new bag without looking at me any further. I strain from shifting on my feet. He makes me uncomfortable in this situation and he doesn't need to know. It's already bad enough I'm here to apologise to him.

„That was a lie. I searched like the whole compound for you." I point my thumb over my shoulder towards the door as if to gesture to the whole compound. I let out a silent, nervous laugh. Damn it.

I earn a cold look from him. „What do you want?" Oh...he's quick to the belt. So no smalltalk then. Fine.

„I wanted to apologise. For being so irritating." He begins punching the new bag. „I'm working on it!" I shout over the sounds of his fists against the leather.

He stops for a moment and looks at me. „Did Sam put you up to this?"

Now I really do shift on my feet. I hate this. Every last part of it. I feel like a child that's been sent to apologise to a friend from kindergarden. „Kinda..." I begin just before he starts punching again. Come on! He can't stop to have a normal conversation? Did I piss him off that much?

„Listen" I start, again having to raise my voice against the noise. „I really am sorry about..." Oh fuck. I forgot her name. „What was her name again?"

He lands one last punch to the bag and then looks at me breathing heavily.

„Peggy." He says looking me up and down. His tone is very clipped. I must have offended him again. Oh dear lord. Is he really that sensitive?

„I'm really sorry about Peggy." I say. I try to sound a little pissed but not too much. Wouldn't want him to go crying to Bucky. I'll never hear the end of it.

Rogers lets go of the punching back and starts losening his bandages around his hands as he walks towards his sportsbag. My eyes follow him quietly. It's his turn to parlé.

„Look I appreciate that but I don't need apologies." His first hand is free so he continues unwrapping the second. „I need distraction." I start to grin. I always knew I was a genius. If only other people could see that.

„HA!" I shout a little too loudly. The Captain looks at me with steel in his eyes. I ignore it. „I'm prepared for that!" I hold out my hand with the case file in it. He looks down on it for a second before he takes it out of my hand.

„What's this?" He asks and sits down on a bench with the file in his hands.

„Distraction." I say with an attached selfrighteous grin. „I thought you might need distraction. And what better to distract Captain America with than a mission, right?" In my mind I applauded myself. Genius. Straight up genius. As he continues to look at the case file I begin to explain.

„Hydra has gotten hold of the tesserract again." I shiver at the thought of another mind stone being out there in the world. Not only that but it's also in Hydra's hands. For me that seems even worse than Thanos. Kinda.

„They are experimenting with it to create weapons." He looks up from the file straight into my eyes. I press my lips together because he seems to have gotten the gist of this...dare I say catastrophe. „I don't need to tell you why that's bad." I take a deep breath. His eyes find the file again. He folds it back together before he hands it to me.

„Why not ask Sam or Bucky?" Is he serious right now? I always thought I was stubborn.

„Maybe that's my way of saying sorry." I say through my teeth while I try to force a smile. Oh dear God would I love to work this mission with either one of them. Before I can think about the consequences I say „Or maybe I have a weak spot for old men."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. But I had to. It's so easy to mock him, gosh.

„There it is again." Rogers says breaking our eye contact and standing up. He puts his bag over his shoulder. Is he just going to leave me here with this mission?

„Oh come on Rogers!" I say trying to get his attention back to me. „That was undeniably hilarious." It really was. My mind drifts to the thought of pulling the stick out of his ass again. And before I know it my eyes are on his ass. His ass is walking away. Oh hell no!

„Please?" I hate myself for sounding so desperate. „I was honestly trying to help!" He just keeps walking. „You said you needed a distraction, right?"

Could he stop walking?? His behind is not the only huge ass in the room I guess.

Just when I thought he would just go like that I hear him say „We'll start tomorrow morning."

I sigh of release. Then I notice that I am the one who brought him the file and now he thinks he's the one calling the shots.

„Men." I growl, then turn around and leave the gym in the other direction as him.

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