Chapter 6

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The first thing I hear sounds very familiar. Almost melodic. Beautiful. Oh it is a melody. I knew it. It's a song. My favorite. I squint my still-closed eyes before I begin to open them. It's so bright here, Jesus!

If you be the cash, I'll be the rubber band.

I tilt my head to the right and make out a familiar figure.

You be the match, I will be the fuse, boom.

The person is sitting beside my bed. So I guess I'm at the hospital? Great.

Painter baby, you could be the muse. I'm the reporter baby, you could be the news.

Sam's familiar scent makes its way up my nose and sets free a lot of relaxing hormones. I don't know what they would be called. I just know I feel very relaxed because he's here.

Checked off, you are the chalk and I could be the blackboard
You could be the talk and I can be the walk

Before the light can burn holes in my cornea, I close my eyes and start singing along.

„Even when the sky comes falling" My voice is still weak and raspy. But I don't care this is the best part of the song. „Even when the sun don't shine. I got faith in You and I. So put your pretty little hand in mine."

When I look back at Sam he dropped whatever he was reading before. He's looking at me with a lot of pride on his face and I manage to gift him a small smile.

„I knew you're too tough to be put out by a little Infinity Stone type granate." I let out a laugh but it's more like a caugh.

„Well Hydra has to try harder I guess."  I squint my eyes against the bright lights again and then look at my best friend. He suddenly looks very concerned.

„I hope they don't."

Love you like a brother
Treat you like a friend

I begin to shake my head weakly. „They won't."

„If you keep offering yourself to them like that, they will." He sounds very serious now. Almost a little pissed off. I sigh.

„So Rogers talked to you?"  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Partly to not lose my shit over the pushy Captain and partly because I can't take Sam's burning looks anymore. I might have screwed up on this one.

„Yea, he talked to me. But now I'm talking to you. What happened?" I rub my fingers over my eyes to push back the rising headache. I can't deal with this right now.

„Is there any water here?" I look around the room. My mouth feels like sandpaper. Sam instantly gets up, walks around my bed and hands me the glass of water on my night stand. My insides melt.

He could have just told me where the water is, I would have easily been able to reach it myself. But instead he got up so I don't move too much.

I take a few sips of water while Sam finds his old spot to my right again. „So?" he asks.

I drop the glass from my mouth and look at him.

„I can't talk about it right now, Sam. But can you just believe that I did what I had to do?" His face tells me exactly what he knows. Everything. He knows everything. He knows exactly why I was in that room in front of that computer and why I saved which data. His hand finds mine and he squeazes it lightly.

„Yes." he says quietly but determined. I let the air out of my lungs that's been hanging in there.

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