Chapter 15

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I make my way to the conference room. I'm still pretty dizzy from that damn explosion. Maybe I should get a glass of water? But I don't want to make everyone even angrier by taking too much time. So I go straight to the meeting.

Bucky stayed behind. Said he needed to take care of the Hydra-clowns. Whatever that means. I honestly don't care. My world is spinning enough as it is.

When I enter the room Sam, Steve and Nat are already there. First one is standing, arms crossed and turns to me as I walk through the door. Steve and Nat are sitting next to each other on the other side of the big conference table, looking up at me. I fight the urge to hop from one foot to another.

„Care to explain?" Sam says with a harshness in his voice, that I don't hear often. And the worst thing is: It's never been directed at me before.

I don't know if it's the shock of Sam's anger but I need to put my hand on my head and close my eyes for a second because I feel like the world is shifting right before my eyes.

„What? Me going solo or the attack in general?" I try to put on a sly smirk. I don't know if it's working.

„Not funny." Steve looks at me. I can't tell the emotions he's feeling. But I'd go with furious. Or at least quite annoyed.

„No? I thought it to be hysterical." I say, taking away the hand from my head. I feel like it's kinda getting better. I place my hand on the back of a chair though and lean against it a bit to stabilise myself. Better safe than sorry.

„Why did they attack you, Ivy?" I look at Nat. She doesn't look as furious as the other two, but she's also not friendly towards me. I sigh.

„Because of the data I stole." As soon as I drop that sentence, I feel the energy in the room shift even more. The first person to say something is – of course – Rogers.

„I knew it."

„Oh this is just perfect." Sam agrees with the Captain's anger. And they are right. I put them all in danger. But what was I supposed to do? 

„I'm sorry you guys..." I start.

„Too late." Steve interrups me. I look to him.

„Sorry?" Is he not even going to let me explain?

„You already took it. It's done." It's all I can do to keep my jaw from dropping at his tone with me. „I told you it would end bad." I feel anger bubbling up inside of me.

„Are you serious right now, Rogers?" I clench my hand around the chair. I'm trying really hard to not launch myself at him and scratch his eyes out. How does he not see, that I had no other choice? I want to find my parents. I have to find them. And what does he do? Shake his head in disbelief. I take half a step forward, until the chair stops me from getting any closer. He's lucky we have that table between us.

„You know why I had to steal it." I start. Then I lower my voice, tilt my head slightly and almost whisper: „Scared of a little fight, Captain Coward?" His eyes meet mine. He looks bored. Which makes my insides turn into raging flames.

„So we're still not able to talk normally?" He says. I place my hand on the table and lean over it to really bor my eyes into his.

„What? You think you fuck me and I instantly bow to your every wish?" I squint my eyes.

The corners of my mouth twitch up when I see the shock on his face. I can't blame him. I just told the whole room we had sex. Captain perfect and me. I can hear Sam shift on his feet. If Natasha is shocked, she doesn't show.

„You should shut your mouth."  Steve looks at me, trying to get me to shut up. I lick my upper lip trying to hide my smirk, but I fail.

„Last night you told me to open wide." I raise an eyebrow in challenge. He tried messing with the wrong woman. I might regret exploding like that later, but right now his facial expression is giving me life. He can't believe I said that and he's very uncomfortable. Perfect.

I push myself away from the table, which sends my head spinning again. I should really get a glass of water.

„I'll see myself out." I say and turn around. I see a shocked Bucky standing in the doorway. „Meeting's over." I say and walk past him out of the room. I try to keep it together to not tremble before their very eyes. Water. I need water. And maybe an aspirin.

I quickly went up to my room to change into something more comfortable and a little less torn up before I enter the kitchen to get a glass of water.

My head is killing me. I'm hot. My ears are rushing. I have drops of sweat on my forehead and my skin is tingeling. I really need that glass of water now.

I turn to the hanging cabinet to get a glass. My fingers find one and I take it out. It's heavy. Why is it so heavy?

„What the hell was that?" I squeal and drop the glass. It crashes to the floor and bursts into a million pieces. I turn into the direction, the question came from. Rogers is leaning against one of the counters, arms crossed. How did I not see him before?

„Wha-? Steve?" I swallow to drown the dryness of my mouth. „Please, not now." I say and make to turn back to grab another glass.

„What is wrong with you?" I hear him behind me again.

„What?" I say and turn to him again.

„In front of everyone, Ivy?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows.

„You deserved it." I shoot back. Can't I just drink a fucking drop of water in piece for fuck's sake?

Steve nods ironically. „Alright." His sarcastic tone stirrs up my anger again. But compared to before this is a small candle that's about to go out.

I feel like I'm about to pass out. Which would be unfortunate because I'm standing in a puddle of crushed glass.

„You keep giving me crap for trying to find my parents." I explain, trying to stay calm. I feel like screaming at him would drive my dizziness over the edge.

„No, actually I am giving you crap for trying to find your parents alone. For not seeking any help."

I finally get a hold of a glass.

„I've done things on my own for as long as I can remember. It is how it is." I say while I fiddle with the handle on the tap. My fingers are so slippery from all the sweat. But why am I suddenly so cold?

„Well you're part of a team now." Rogers says.

„You've seen what happens, when I involve you guys." I give up on the tap and turn back to him. He couldn't have seen me struggle because my back was blocking his view. Which I'm kind of glad about.

„I'll never do that again." I say a second before my world shifts a bit. Am I moving? Or is it the floor?

„You don't get what I'm saying at all." Did Steve move further away? It sure as hell sounds like it.

„No?" I let out a nervous laugh. I don't get what's happening. „I'm sorry, I'm..." I can't finish the sentence because I feel the counter hitting me in the side. But I don't really feel the pain I should be feeling from stumbling into it.

„What's happening, Ivy?" Where is Steve? He sounds like he's miles away. I look up at him. He's walking towards me, I think. My field of view is shrinking immensely.

„I- I don't kn..." I swallow the rest of the sentence. „My head." In that moment the ground is completely pulled from underneath my feet. I try to grab the counter, but it's too late. The last thing I hear is Steve calling out my name.

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