Chapter 7

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2 days later I am still in the hospital but I feel a lot better. I had a concussion and a few severed bones all over. The doctors wanted to keep me here for supervision. Today is my last day, I have one last check up and then I'm free to go.

While I am waiting for that check up to happen I suddenly feel a little snackish. So I hop out of my hospital bed, put on some long sweats and a black long sleeve shirt and make my way down the hall to the snack machine. As I am still deciding wether to pick the Mars or a bag of chips I see a dark figure in the reflection of the machine rushing past me. Is that...?

I turn to watch them walk down the hall all the way towards my room. I know that walk. He has his hood up, but I know exactly who it is. So I follow.

He stops in front of my room and stares through the glass window – probably wondering where the hell I am. I press my lips together so my laugh doesn't give away my location right away.

He's still standing in front of that window when I reach him.

„Aw Rogers" I say. His eyes find mine through the reflexion of the glass. „Are you checking up on me?" My playful pout grows into a knowing smirk. He turns around and looks at me with his cold, blue eyes. He doesn't look like he's here because he's worried about me. He just looks...pissed. And I kind of like that.

He looks at me, then suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. It takes him a split second to close the blinds in front of the huge window and push me against it. He pushes back his hood and stares me down. Damn. Pissed turned into mad real quick. I swallow down the shock.

„You must have been really worried about me." my nervous insides express themselves in the perfect mocking tone. He should have no idea that I am well aware of the fact, that I have no chance against him in a fight. But is he really here to fight me? I don't know. He seems to have some sort of problem.

„Cut the crap" He says in a tone that sends shivers up and down my spine. He sounds dead serious. But that's kind of what makes this fun. „What were you doing at Hydra's?" So that's really what all this anger is about? The corner of my mouth begins to twitch up at the thought. I can feel him tightening his hold on me again. „I'm not kidding Ivy!" he yells.

This is a totally different side of the perfect Captain America that we know. My grin only widens.

„You're sexy when you're angry." I wasn't lying but I could feel him getting uncomfortable. „Has anyone ever told you that?" His hands let go of my arms a little.

„Answer my question." Is voice is shaking from all the anger he is trying to hold back.

„I might if you tighten your grip again." I mock him. He has absolutely no business knowing what I did at Hydra's. My past is none of his concern. Especially when I couldn't even say it directly to Sam. Of course he knew but I couldn't say it.

Suddenly a sharp pain shoots down my arms and up my shoulders, as Steve tightens his hands around my upper arms and smacks me back against the window. „Answer me!" he yells.

A switch flips in me.

„Hydra has information about my parents okay?" I yell back. All the frustration he built up inside of me leaving at once. I throw all the hatred I can gather into my look and force it on him. His eyes widen a little but that's all the reaction I get. His hands are still holding on for dear life aka my arms. „Not that it's any of your business." I try to shake him off. He only moves when he notices how hard he's actually holding me.

„You could have told me before the mission." He sounds so much softer now. But I don't care.

„Uhm newsflash Cap: I didn't want to." I'm ready to throw all my venom at him. I'm furious. But since I can't fight him physically, I have to do so with my words. Let him regret making me confess. „Hydra kidnapped my parents when I was 11." His look drops to the ground and his breathing fastens. So I place my final punch.

„And also: Yes. I do feel better after our clash with one of Hydra's weapons." His eyes find mine again. „Thanks for asking, Captain Jerk."

I put up my hand and push against his chest. He takes one step back so I am now free to move. And that's what I do. I just leave. Fuck the check up. Fuck everything. I'll go get my stuff later. I need to get out of here. Because now it is me who can't stop her breathing from getting faster.

I feel a huge weight on my chest. Pushing down and down and down. I need air. I need to get out. I need to breathe. But I don't know where the exit is. All I know is that I have to stop those images flashing before my eyes. Of my mom and my dad. Being dragged away from me. I'm screaming, fighting crying. I can't stop them. I can't...

„Where are you going?" I almost run into him. „Hey." He grabs me by the shoulders and looks down on me. „Are you okay?" I try to look at Bucky but I can't. I still need air.

„I-" that's all I can get out. I point at my chest and my face trying to show him I can't fucking breathe. His face darkens. He pulls me into a closet and forces me to sit down on the ground. He shuts the door and kneels down in front of me.

„Put your arms over your head." I obey. „Now look at me."

It takes me a while to find his eyes because my body just keeps moving in hopes to catch some air. Only when he stabilizes me at the waist am I finally able to look into the greenish blue of his eyes.

„Hold your breath." He tells me. What? He must see the confusion in my face because his features soften. „It'll help I promise." I nod silently and stop breathing completely. I search his eyes for any hint of what to do now. „A little longer." His voice is so soft now. My body relaxes.

„Now breathe out." he says. I do as he says. My body relaxes a little more. „In." he starts breathing with me. „Out." Slowly but surely I start feeling more stable. I realize that my face is wet. I must have been crying. I blink as if in shock and wipe my face with my hands.

„I'm better." I say in a short, clipped way. Bucky let's go of my waist and helps me up from the ground. „Thanks." I manage to say. This is just so embarrassing. Me being so vulnerable with him. Or being vulnerable in general. Fucking Rogers. My hatred comes back.

I look into Bucky's eyes. They reflect my anger.

„Where is he?" He asks me. I can't hide my surprise.

„What do you-"

„Is he still in your room?"

„You mean Rogers?" I try to make sense of it.

„Steve told me he was coming here. I told him to back off and not push you. I guess he didn't listen." I sigh.

„No he didn't."

„So is he still in your room?" He turns to walk out of the closet. I don't know what his plan is. To confront him in the middle of a hospital? Two supersoldiers? I guess that's a bad idea. Plus I have seen Bucky mad before but I didn't think he could get so mad with Steve. I grab his metal hand to hold him back. It's cold on my skin.

„Leave it Buck. I don't think he's still in there. And to be honest I would like to get out of here, too." He stares at me for a moment. Then he shakes of my hand.

„I'll help you pack."

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