Chapter 30

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I blink away the red fog, still clouding my vision. My head is spinning, so it takes me a second to clear my sight and figure out where I am.

I'm on the couch in the compound's living room.

And that's when the memories hit me.

Memories of Wanda, pulling her trick on me. Making me lose control and dropping right then and there. I think Sam caught me, because I was still able to see Steve, when I fell.


A pain starts creeping through my chest and bores itself into my heart.

I manage to sit up. Tears sting my eyes and I angrily wipe them away, when they start overflowing.

Steve betrayed me. And so did Sam, for that matter. So I know what I have to do.

I need to get out of here. Away. Now.

So I get up and start packing my things. The tears never stop rolling.


Sam's POV

Steve comes storming back into the suit room, where I just started putting away my suit. He's still wearing his uniform. His hair is messy and he has a haunted expression on his face.

I can't blame him. When we came back from the mission, Ivy was nowhere to be found. I checked the couch I left her on, her room, the gym and all conference rooms. Bucky searched the whole outside of the compound and Steve the remaining areas.

We already knew she was nowhere near here because one car is missing, but searching for her helped me and Steve push down the guilt that's haunting us.

„I can't find her anywhere." I look down and nod at his words. I can't look at him right now. This whole thing was so messed up. It was his idea but I just stood there and did nothing, while Wanda knocked out my best friend.

„I know this was a bad idea" Steve continues to say. I run my lower lip through my teeth to try and content my temper a little. „but better safe than sorry, right?"

My eyes shoot up at him.

„Steve, I know why you did it. And so does Ivy, believe me. She knows. But that doesn't make it right in any way shape or form." I press out, while my eyes bore into his. I know I am just as mad at myself as I am at him, but in this moment I see no other option than to direct my frustration at him.

Especially since I've seen those two dance this tango for a while now.

„Steve" I say and force him to look up at me. „You two care so much for each other. And all you do is keep hurting each other." I see a wave of pain wash over his face. Good. He needs to hear this. „And quite frankly I'm sick of it."

His gaze drops again and he sighs slowly.

„I'm so sorry you're in the middle of it."

„I don't need your pity. What I need from you is to fucking fix it."

„I don't know if I can."

„You still don't get it, do you?" Steve lifts his head and looks at me again.

„Get what, Sam? I screwed up. She's going to hate me now."

„You love that girl. And she fucking loves you. I've never seen her look at somebody the way she looks at you. The only time she looks that in love is when there's Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream." Steve, besides the seriousness of the situation, let's out a chuckle.

„I know you guys would do anything to protect each other but I need you to stop doing so by hurting one another."

„You're right." Is all Steve says. Then there's a long moment of silence before he speaks again.

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