Chapter 10

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After a few hours, my head is spinning and my body is aching. But most of all, I am very hot. I've been dancing with Sam for forever. Bucky has been on the sidelines watching and talking to some cute blonde. They disappeared. Go figure, right?

„I need air." I yell at Sam just before we reach the bar. I don't even wait for his answer. I just make my way through the crowd. Where is the freaking door? To the left? Or was it the right? I can't remember. I come to a stop to look around. Thank god! There it is.

Finally! I stumble outside. The cold air hits me like a wrecking ball and I smile. Gosh that is good stuff. A few people are outside laughing, smoking and talking. I need to get some distance from the smoke and the noise. My eardrum is still swinging and I fear it might burst.

So I walk a few steps around the corner and sit my ass on the ground. My head falls back against the wall. That's when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to the left and see none other than Rogers sit there. Dear god. Why? I just wanted some air.

„Not you again." I say, closing my eyes in hopes to stop my head from spinning.

„I'm not that thrilled to see you either." He answers and takes one sip out of a McDonald's paper cup. My jaw drops.

„Is Captain Perfect consuming fast food?" I stare at him acting all shocked.

„Captain Perfect?" He looks at me. His eyes radiate amusement. „That's the best you can do?" I place my head back against the wall and let out a sigh. This is so exhausting to me right now.

„You're not worth a better insult." I say. I'm so tired.

„Oh" It takes him a long time to say that word. I tilt my head a bit so I can look at him. He puts down his paper cup, whipes his hands on a napkin and then looks at me. All amusement left his face. „You know what?" I shrug to show him I „don't know what".

„What?" I ask. I want to go to bed so badly. But right now Rogers is staring holes into my brain.

„I've had enough of you." Something about his tone makes my insides turn to stone. Or maybe it's just the Jägermeister.

„So glad we speak the same language." I shoot back. Maybe this is just his speach before he finally leaves me alone. But he doesn't move.

„I was just told we had to go back to Hydra's." So?? This is good news! I can finally- „And I was going to take you with me."

Was. My organs freeze.

„Because of your family situation." I feel my lower lip beginning to shake so I bite down on it. „But I am going to take Bucky with me instead."

Now my whole body turns to stone and my heart stops for a second before it continues beating twice as fast. I feel my eyes burning, filling with tears.

„You wouldn't." All I can manage to get out is a raspy whisper. I suddenly feel 100 percent sober. My head is not spinning anymore. The only thing clouding my vision are my tears before they fall out of my eye and onto my cheek. Now I can very clearly see Steve still staring me down. No sympathy whatsoever.

„But Captain Perfect would." Is all he says. I can't believe this. He's taking away my chance to find my parents. I have been searching for fifteen years and I've never been this close.

I slowly start shaking my head in disbelieve. How could he do this to me? All because I was too tired to think of a better insult? Do I understand that correctly? Or am I tripping?

„You know I need more information." I say through my teeth.

„Well I hope you get it someday." My jaw drops for the second time today and I manage to get myself up from the ground.

Disbelief turns into anger. I feel my insides unfreeze and then melt. My face is heating up. My nostrils flare. Another tear of anger makes its way down my cheek. It takes all of me not to kick him right now as he is sitting on the ground below me.

I simply put all my disgust into my look. „Rot in hell Steve Rogers." Is all I say before I make my way back inside. I immediately go to my room. The party mood is gone.

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