Chapter 5

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By the time I land on Hydra's ship Cap is already fighting. Of course he didn't have a parachute to slow him down. Stupid me for being human.

Normally I would be mad that he was all so quick to take over my mission. Except it's not really my mission. I have other plans he doesn't know about and as long as Rogers is busy leading this one I should be able to do my own secret part.

Obviously I plan on helping with the tesserract but I also need to find the computers where they keep their data. ASAP. I see Cap running towards a group of men shooting at us.

Go secure the engine room!" I hear through my earpiece. I roll my eyes and unfasten my parachute so I can get moving.

„Never heard of the word „please", huh?" I mumble and then launch into a sprint towards the engine room. One of the guys down there will hopefully be able to tell me where I need to go before I kick his ass.

Agent Morris, do you copy?" Oh my god. Annoying much? I stop my sprint and press my back against the wall so I can look around the corner. Of course there's around 5 dudes waiting to be knocked out.

Agent Morris?" I focus on the first dude who's the closest and faced away from me. I have to attack now!

Ivy!" Steve practically shouts in my ear.

„HANG ON!" I yell back and leap at the guy to take him down. It's fairly easy but the next guy is already on me. I take down one after the other. The only hit I can feel is a punch against my still sore ribs that almost takes the air from my lungs but I am able to gather myself quite quickly.

As I kick down the last guy I remember my actual mission. Luckily he still tries to crawl away from me so I know he's still concious.

„Hey handsome. Where do you keep your data?" I ask with the sweetest smile I can manage.

„F-first floor." He presses out. My smile deepens right before I put my foot in his mouth to knock him out. „Thank you." I say as if he could still hear me.

Ivy? Is the engine room secure?" Holy fucking shit. I bring my finger to my ear.

„Yes, Captain." I respond. Hopefully he's able to hear the annoyed tone in my voice.

Where are you now?" I let out a grunt. Then I grap my earpiece, rip it out and throw it to the ground. I can't concentrate with him talking my literal ear off.

So I go to find the stairs to the first floor. He wasn't really specific about the actual location, but I'll figure it out – I always do. And to my surprise, the room I'm searching for is the very first I walk into. Jackpot.

I close the door behind me to keep from nosy eyes and make my way to one of the computers. The entire room is filled with them. I guess it's not important which one I choose then. All of them are turned on.

I go to the middle of the room, so I have enough time to react to attackers from either side of it. I click through a few files.

„Where are you?" I mutter impatiently. I begin to tap my foot. „Come on." I start sucking on my lower lip. God damn it. Where is it?

I find a file with the name 13.01.2007.

„Bingo." I say and let out a long breath. Hadn't even noticed I wasn't breathing. Quickly I fumble out a flashdrive I put in my uniform before the mission and plug it into the computer. The data starts downloading. I hear some screams outside but I don't think about it further.

I watch the screen impatiently while the loading bar fills slowly but surely. I lean over the desk and tap my finger on the surface. A wave of anxiety washes over me and I close my eyes for a little bit.

I get pulled out of my head as the door crashes open. I mean literally. It's crashed to the ground by Rogers and a guy he's fighting. He puts a final punch to the guy's head to secure him to the floor. I giggle.

„Well, this is awkward." Cap looks up at me out of breath and frowns.

„What the hell are you doing?" He gets up and starts walking towards me. The anger on his face as he looks at me and then the screens is kind of hot.

„Oh you know." I look back at the loading bar which is almost full. „Just saving some data."

„What data are you-" He now finally reaches my side and takes a closer look at the screen. „What is all this?" he looks so confused it's almost cute. But unfortunately I will not enlighten him today.

„None of your business." I answer and press my lips together.

„You made it my business when you compromised the mission." I roll my eyes. So dramatic.

Finally! The data is all backed up onto my flashdrive so I pull it out and turn to the Captain.

„Aw Rogers, were you worried?" I give him a mocking grin and start to make my way around him out of the room when his hand shoots forward to grab my arm. A very tight grip. I always had him for a more gentle lover.

„Do you ever stay focused?" His eyes seem to drill into mine. That steel blue couldn't have been icier. Fitting to the tight grip he still has on me. I close a bit of the distance between our faces until I can feel his breath tickling my nose.

„Careful Rogers." I whisper. „If you tighten your grip a little I'll almost think you like touching me." He instantly losens his hand a little, still keeping our eye contact. I feel the sides of my mouth twitching upwards.

„I swear to God Morris..." before he can finish I hear a loud noise and we both turn around at the same time.

The guy Cap knocked out is now standing between us and the door. He's holding what looks like...oh crap! A granate! It lights up in a weird blue. Crap again! The guy removes the pen and throws the thing at us.

„Watch out!" Steve shouts and pushes the granate aside with his shield. It falls to the floor blinking- about to go off.

„That's one of the new weapons!" I shout back. My back is already turned to the scene as I am launching into a sprint – trying to reach the door on the other side. I can never make it in time. But Rogers most certainly can.

I feel an arm around my waist. „Hang on!" He lifts me up and I help out by jumping up. We won't get to the door in time but there is an attached office. The only problem: It's seperated through glass walls. Steve takes off the ground and leaps towards them.

Before I can think about what's happening I can feel the granate going off behind us. The blast wave takes away all my senses. I lose my orientation. I only think I can hear some glass shatter in the distance. My ears hurt. Actually – my head hurts. My whole body aches. We seem to be in a semi-secure location. I can hear Steve in the distance. Where is he?

„Fuck!" I hear. Why is he leaving my alone? „Are you okay agent?" Who is he talking to? „Agent?" Who's agent? „Ivy?" Ivy? That's me, right? I don't know. My eyelids are so heavy. I think I will just close them for a second.

Ivy?" It's black. I'm gone.

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