Chapter 27

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I enter the abandoned building I chose to meet Sharon in. It had to be a location completely void of any life inside and around it. So this is perfect.

It seems like they lost interest in building it midway. It's almost completely naked concrete, that's already wrapped in vines. It must have been abandonded quite a while ago.

As I step inside, the dirt crunches under the soles of my black boots. It's not really a loud noise, but it echoes through the entire area, bouncing off walls until it fades out.

„Are you 100% sure, you're up for this?" I jump at the sound of Steve's voice in my ear and roll my eyes. He's so persistent in checking in on my every 10 seconds. But if I talk too much and Sharon hears me, our plan is done. My plan is done.

„Steve please." I hiss. „Just give me 5 minutes and keep your distance." I try to speak as quietly as I can, while walking further into the building.

„If I don't hear from you, we're going in." I want to be annoyed with him, but him being so protective sends butterflies through my stomach. I swallow down tears.

„I heard you the first 100 times you said that." I whisper. Then I tap my finger on the earpiece, turning it off. I can't let him distract me. Or worse: I can't let him change my mind.

I push further into the building, walking up a staircase, onto the first floor. Where is Sharon? Did she not take the bait afterall? Are they already invading our home? Did my plan not work?

„That's a fun location." I whirl around and find her in front of me, gun pointing at me. It's no usual gun, I see that within a split second.

„Why the weapon?" I ask, trying to mask my nerves pushing up. The thought of Hydra's weapons makes me dizzy and I want to throw up here and there. But I will have to get used to them. They are my future.

„What, you think I just trust you?" She stalks closer, then stops.

I tip my fingers to my head, as if remembering something important.

„Oh yeah, I'm stronger than you now." She ignores my obvious mockery.

„So how do you want to do this? How do I know you're not shitting me, Ivory?" she tightens her hands around her gun. I tap my finger to my ear, as a gesture. When she notices what I am pointing at, she reinforces her grip on the weapon.

„Are you shitting me? An earpiece?" She hisses.

„Steve, Sam and Bucky are hovering over our heads in a quinjet right this second. They think I want to trick you. But everything I said to you was true. I can't have them in harm's way."

„They are already here. Don't you think they will just come for you again. Or even get in our way before we can get out of here?"

„That's why I need your help faking my death." I say without any emotion in my tone whatsoever. I need to be completely shut off to go through with this. No feelings can get in my way, as I know exactly what I am doing to them. To my family.

„Excuse me, what?" My legs begin to shake and I fight the urge to jump from one foot to another. We don't have much time. My five minutes are almost over. And the guys are probably wondering why my earpiece is turned off.

„As you said: They will come look for me again, if I just disappear and go with you. So I need them to think me dead." I swallow hard.

„So you're actually for real?" She drops her arms in front of her, lowering the gun with them. „You're coming with me?" I nod. „So how do you want to fake this?"

„We need an explosion caused by that thing." I point to the weapon in her hand. She doesn't look down and just keeps staring at me. „We need it on my signal. I will handle the rest."

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