Chapter 14

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I couldn't sleep all night. Everytime I close my eyes I just feel his hands on me again. I see his dominant face. His perfect body, towering over me. His length all up inside me, taking away my breath.

What the fuck did I do? And why in hell did it feel so good? He felt so good.

At 5 a.m. I decide that it's enough. I won't be able to sleep any time soon. And I'm pretty sure we're having some sort of meeting later, so I'll have to get up eventually.

Maybe moving my body will help to silence my brain. So I put on my workout clothes, my running shoes and my headphones. Before I can change my mind I run out of my room and out the front door. Better be quick before I see anybody. Or worse: Before I run into him.

I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life. My feet push me over the stones of the driveway that leads away from the compound, while my arms pump to get me away even faster.

Only when I reach the forest I slow down a bit. My adrenaline is going, so I can't stay calm long. I push again and run even faster this time. Images of Steve flash before my eyes.

His strong hands, worshipping every inch of my body. Caressing my skin. His steel blue eyes fixating me on the mattress before him. His lips on mine. On my breasts. His tongue on me.

I see something moving in the corner of my eye and I turn my head towards it. Nothing. Probably just a deer. I stop my running nonetheless and pull my headphones from my ears. I've been trained too well to ignore any sign of threat.

A branch cracks to my left. I whirl around. Nothing.

I see an abandonned warehouse in front of me, at the end of the forest. I come to a jog and then I run until I reach it. My feet halt right in front of its entrance. I listen. Nothing.

I sneak over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being attacked from behind.

„Hello??" I shout. My voice echoes through the warehouse. I shiver. This feels terribly wrong. I shouldn't be here alone. I should go get back up.

I hear something slide over the dirty concrete floor. I take a few steps back. Then I hear a quiet step. And another. Before I know it, my feet are crushing over the forestground. I'm running. Running and not looking back. I need to get back to the compound. Now! My gut tells me to run as fast as I can. So I do. My thoughts are completely focused now. No images of Steve fucking me from behind. Just pure survival instinct.

I crash open the compound door and almost run into Sam. He catches me, before I fall to the ground. I find my stance again and try to catch my breath.

„Oh my God are you okay?" Sam asks.

„I-" My mouth is too dry and I still can't catch my breath.

„What the hell happened?" He asks.

Anxiety shoots through me, making me able to find my thoughts again - and my voice.

„Shut the fucking door, Sam!" I shout and stumble out of the way. He obeys and closes it, locking it from the inside.

„Ivy!" He says while looking at me. „Talk to me!"

„No time!" I say. I straighten up and walk towards my room. „Get the others! Suit up! I've been followed!"

„What?" He yells after me.

„Some guy followed me, Sam! I don't know what's going on. Just put on your suit!" I shout back before I run up the stairs to change into my fighting gear.

I pull my black jeans, my black long sleeve and my leather jacket out of my closet, put them on as fast as I can and then take my black combat boots and run downstairs. On the stairs I almost stumble into Steve. Our shoulders touch as he rushes past me upstairs. We look at each other for a second.

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