17. It's not what it seems

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Luan had finished talking with his advisors who seemed to have already gotten wind of complaints about someone breaking into the dorm buildings. Luan had given them Mikey's description, full name and even his address in hopes they'd finally catch him and kick him off campus. Luan thought it was odd that they didn't already have records of Mikey attending school there but he wondered if he'd even used his correct name.

Luan was surprised that Thoma wasn't back yet and decided to swing by his dorm. Perhaps Thoma had gotten stopped by Luan's dorm mate.

Luan wrapped himself up tighter in his coat and wondered if perhaps Thoma had grabbed him some warm clothes. Though he also hoped that after going to the cops finally he'd be safe to be back in his dorm.

He saw his dorm building right in front of him but began to slow when he saw Thoma talking to someone. The other person wore a hat but he saw by the hair peaking out from under it that it was Mikey.

He couldn't decide whether to approach them or slowly back away but he halted when he heard Thoma loudly exclaim, "I am not in Luan's life as temporary fix or distraction. He's a good kid who should have someone who cares about him by his side. You were never that for him and all you did was hurt him. If you truly wanted to be with and deserve Luan, you should start by wanting him to be happy."

Luans cheek blushed and he met eyes with Thoma. Mikey quickly turned around and his face twisted into a smirk as he attempted to approach him but Thoma grabbed his arm.

"Luan and I have plans that we're late for." Thoma approached Luan and softly grabbed his arm above his wrist, making goosebumps rise on his skin.

"Hey, let's go," he said softly and Luan looked at him as though hypnotized and nodded slowly.

"Hey! I was still fucking talking to you Charlie!" Mikey yelled but he didn't follow them which surprised them both but they decided to ignore it for now.

Thoma opened the door for Luan and made sure he was safely situated before going to the drivers side.

"Oh, I forgot these," he said and handed Luan's clothes to him. "There was a big mess on the floor so I just picked out something I've seen you wear before." Thoma said but he looked like he was trying to hide a smirk. Luan decided not to ask about it.

Thoma let Luan pick the music as they drove and Luan couldn't help but watch him drive. His side profile was smooth and without any divets along his nose which turned slightly upward at the end. His curly hair hung onto his forehead in a more unkempt way than he normally had but Luan thought it made him look younger.

"Are you doing okay?" Thoma asked just as Luans eyes had started to study the smooth outline of his lips.

"Hmmm?" Luan asked and then looked up to his eyes.

"Oh you mean because of Mikey?" Luan asked and Thoma nodded. "I'm alright. Having you there.. I mean. I knew he wouldn't try anything," he said and Thoma smiled.

"Good. I'm glad I can help you feel safe."

They spent the rest of the way to the police station sharing music but once they parked Luan got nervous and looked to Thoma pleadingly.

"Want me to come in with you?" Thoma asked and Luan nodded.

"It's not like I think they won't take me seriously, I just would like to have someone to back me up." Luan explained but Thoma was already getting out of the car.

When they walked in Thoma did most of the talking and they were escorted to sit with an officer to explain the situation.

When they asked Luan his relationship with Mikey he stuttered and started to pick at his nail beds. Thoma placed his hand lightly over Luan's to get him to stop before explaining that Mikey was an old friend.

"And your relationship to Mr. Hasake?" The officer asked as he held back his pen to write his answer on his paperwork.

"A new friend," Thoma smiled and removed his hand from Luan's. Though the latter missed the warmth.

"Right," was all the officer said, clearly unamused.

They answered all the questions asked to the best of their ability but just as Luan feared, this process wasn't going to be easy.

"Mr. Hasake, you filed an abuse report nine months ago but there was no name given for your assailant. Are you coming forward to name him as this Mr. Mikael Foster-Greer?" The officer said matter of factly.

Luan could feel Thoma's stare but he didn't dare look at him.

"No.." his voice broke and he cleared his throat, "No officer, that was a separate incident." Luan said.

"Do you have proof that this Mr. Foster-Greer has been threatening, abusive or any proof that he has or is stalking you?" The officer asked and Luan nodded.

"I have witnesses. Mikey never abused me but he has abused a lot of people close to me," Luan explained and the officer nodded.

The officer was a serious dude but Luan didn't think he was unkind. There was just a lot of information he had to ask. There were, he was sure, many false reports.

"This matter appears to need further investigation and perhaps a trial. We will be in contact." The officer said and both Luan and Thoma stood to leave.

"Thank you for your time," Luan said and shook the officers hand.

When they were back in the car Luan sighed heavily.

"Of course it couldn't just be easy," he said and Thoma remained silent but gave him an apologetic smile.

"Are you hungry?" Thoma asked and Luan nodded.

They drove in heavy silence. Thoma had so much he wanted to say and ask but Luan looked too stressed and disheartened so he just let him think.

They stopped at a local cafe and Thoma ordered Luan to find them a seat while he ordered them something.

Thoma found Luan in a corner of the cafe in a booth and he set down their sandwiches and soups.

"Water to drink?" He asked and Luan nodded.

They sat and ate in silence for a while but Thoma had to break it. This silence wasn't helping either of them.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back to your dorm for the time being," Thoma said matter of factly.

Luan just stared at him. "It should be fine, I mean I talked to my school and..."

"It's not going to matter, you realize that?!" Thoma exclaimed and Luan flinched.

"I'm sorry. It's just, you know how unreasonable Mikey can be and yet you're willing to take a chance on him responding calmly to all this?!" Thoma was extremely riled up.

Luan shook his head in exasperation. "This isn't even your business Thoma!" But he instantly regretted the words. He had made this Thoma's business by spilling the truth to him and having him help fix it.

"I didn't mean that... I'm just upset. And as of now I have no place to stay... or any clothes..." Luan spiraled and hid his face in his hands. He felt like such a baby.

".... Come stay with me," he heard Thoma mumble and he instantly uncovered his face.


"Just until your trial is over and finalized. Come stay with me."

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