30. Enough is Enough

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Luan's hand was flying before he could even think twice. He landed a hard punch to Mikey's left cheek and was ready to hit him again but Mikey grabbed his arms.

"You fucking BASTARD!" Luan screamed at him, aware that he was causing a scene and more than likely going to attract attention from Thoma's neighbors. But he didn't care. Mikey had bullied him for years and he'd even gone as far as hitting someone he cared about with a car. Luan couldn't take it anymore.

"What more could you possibly want from me? You are NEVER getting me back. I hate you, god, I HATE you," Luan screamed.

They both heard noises from inside Thoma's apartment. He had to have heard all of the commotion and was more than likely coming to Luan's aid.

"Go away, don't let Thoma see that you came here," Luan seethed, grasping Mikey's shirt in his hands. "We're pressing charges against you. You're going to jail, you fucking asshole. Was any of this worth it? We could've tried to be friends. I could've try to stay in your life, but it's impossible now. You've done too much. You've gone too far," He said and warm, angry tears began to stream down his face.

Luan had cared about Mikey. He knew that Mikey had needed him or just someone to help him. 

Mikey's silence this whole time drove Luan even more mad.

"Say something, damn it."

The door swung open and a very worried Thoma appeared at the door. "Luan, are you okay?" He asked and propped himself against the open door.

"I was just leaving..." Mikey mumbled and shoved Luan's hands off of him. "I came to apologize..." he said under his breath. "I know I can't make anything right, but I-I'm s-sorry." Mikey said and hurried off.

Luan stood dumbfounded as he watched Mikey walk away and disappear into the elevator. He jumped when he felt Thoma tug at his shirt and pull him into a hug.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay? I was in the bathroom when I heard the yelling," Thoma explained but Luan shrugged him off and walk past him into the apartment.

Thoma followed behind but let Luan work through his emotions before he dared interrupt his thoughts.

"That piece of..." Luan mumbled and paced around the living room, "coming to our apartment and... how'd he even...?"

Thoma blushed at the words "our apartment" that Luan had just uttered but he decided against commenting. It was probably not on purpose.

He watched Luan paced a few more times before calling softly to him. "Am I able to help in this situation or can I please just hold you?"

Luan paused and debated how angry he still wanted to be. But his anger wasn't at Thoma and all he wanted to do was help. Luan could be accommodating.

He walked into Thomas open arms and nuzzled into his chest. "I'm sorry. Seems like this drama with Mikey is never ending."

Thoma didn't comment and simply rubbed his back. Just then Luans stomach rumbled and he could feel Thoma shaking from trying not to laugh.

Exasperated and slightly embarrassed Luan pushed himself off of Thoma. "Guess I should finish making dinner.." he mumbled and hurried into the kitchen.

They made light conversation throughout the duration of the preparation and then consumption of their dinner. Afterwards Luan decided to turn in early since it'd be such a long day.

Thoma gathered all his bravery and asked, "Would you be able to sleep with me tonight?"

Luan turned around and raised his eyebrows. "You scared of the dark or something?" He teased and Thoma shook his head.

"No, no... I just wanted to hold you while I slept. But if that's too weird right now we don't have to."

Luan paused before answering. They hadn't even had sex yet but somehow sleeping next to each other felt much more intimate.

"What if I get turned on?" Luan stressed and Thoma decided to interject his thoughts before they ran rampant. 

"Don't worry. If I start to get handsy you can always leave," Thoma teased and Luan's anxiety faded. He forgot that he was dating a mature man now, not a boy. Luan shuffled towards Thoma and kissed his cheek lightly. 

"Let me shower first?" He asked and Thoma nodded.

After Luan was showered and completely ready for bed, he shyly made his way into Thoma's room. He'd been in here plenty of times to clean or sit with Thoma while he worked, but knowing that they would be cuddling each other to sleep made him nervous. 

It didn't help that when Luan came into his room, Thoma was sitting up in bed reading with his glasses on his nose. 

"He looks unbearably attractive in those," Luan groaned and Thoma smiled at him before moving the blanket so he could join him in bed. He awkwardly crawled into bed and turned away from Thoma who laughed and set his book down. He wrapped his arm around Luan and playfully kissed his neck, making him giggle. 

"Why're you being all weird? Was this a bad idea?" Thoma asked and begin to squish Luan's face with kisses.

"No....no," Luan said and turned onto his back to look up at Thoma. "I'm sorry I've just never.... you know. Just SLEPT beside someone and when I walked in here and you..." Luan began but became embarrassed by his confession. He covered his eyes and Thoma poked him to get him to continue his sentence. 

"What did I do?" 

"...It's your glasses..." Luan said and his face was completely red by this point. 

"What about them? You find a man who can't read without his eyes hurting, endearing?" Thoma asked with a laugh but Luan shook his head. 

"Not just any man... just you. They make you look really....really hot," Luan finally admitted and Thoma said nothing.

Luan dared to peak out of his hands but felt Thoma press his lips against his before he could. 

"Thoma..." Luan gasped between kisses and Thoma pulled away from him. 

"I should probably stop kissing you before I do something that'll make you leave," Thoma said and kissed Luan's cheek. Luan nodded. Just kissing had already made him erect and he didn't dare try to guess how Thoma was feeling. 

Thoma reclined once more but pulled Luan into his side. "You fine with me reading a bit before bed? I don't want the light to bother you. It's just become a habit of mine before going to sleep." 

Luan nodded sleepily. "It doesn't bother me. But would you be willing to read to me?" 

Thoma chuckled and turned his book so Luan could see the title, "You want me to read 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' to you?" 

"Mhmmm I like that book. Plus your voice is so soothing. You could be reading me a grocery receipt and I'd find it relaxing."Luan said with a smile and Thoma kissed his head. 

"Whatever you say Lu," Thoma chuckled and begin to read his book quietly in a calming voice. It felt like mere seconds before Luan was sound asleep and Thoma was turning off the lights. He readjusted them so that Luan was tucked into his chest and he could hold him.

"Goodnight, my dear Lu." Thoma whispered and drifted off to sleep.

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