49. The First Clue

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When Luan woke up the next day, Thoma wasn't beside him or anywhere else in the hotel room. Luan just figured he'd gone to get coffee and decided to start cleaning the room. Between constantly being on the move and throwing their clothes off when they got home, the room had become quite the mess.

Luan put on the tv as background noise and set to work sorting through the clothes on the ground and on the bed and in the bathroom.

Damn we've had sex in every area of this room Luan thought with a deep blush as he continued to pick up their hastily discarded clothes.

After packing up Thoma's clothes as best he could, Luan put on the tv and sat comfortably in bed waiting for Thoma to return.

An hour passed and then by the hour and a half mark, Luan opted to call Thoma.

It rang for a few rings before there was a muffled sound and a hasty, "Lu? Hey, I'm so sorry can I call you back? I'll be back soon, promise."

Luan's anxiety instantly spiked and he swallowed hard. "S-sure, see you later." Before hanging up instantly. He thought he heard someone say something in the background but he couldn't quite make much out.

Understanding himself enough to know that sitting and waiting for Thoma was just going to make him sick, he decided to go for a bike ride. As he rode and waved hi to those who knew him, Luan was able to imagine for a moment what coming back to this town to teach would be like. When he came back to teach, it wasn't going to be here probably, but he didn't think he hated the idea. It was peaceful here and Luan always felt right at home when he was biking through town and the countryside. But at the same time he imagined going home to some random apartment, alone. He loathed that idea, the idea of not being greeted or welcomed home.

But mostly he loathed the idea of Thoma not being the one who greeted him.

Maybe Thoma could get a job here... no, there's nothing for him here. Not when his directing career might take off again.

There was just so much uncertainty and the more Luan tried to not think about, the harder he did. Just then Luan felt his phone vibrate and he hurriedly stopped his bike to answer the call.

"Thoma!?" He said into the phone and he heard a sigh before pulling the phone away from his ear and seeing the caller. It was his mother. "Honey, your male friend is here at the house. Could you make your way here. We all need to talk."

Luan didn't know if he replied or not but after hanging up he raced over to his parents.

Without even checking to see if the door was locked, he'd burst through it and came upon the scene of his boyfriend sitting on the couch facing both his parents.

Luan looked to Thoma first and checked to see if he was okay. This whole situation was making him so nervous he felt sick. Thoma smiled at him and Luan went to sit beside him before facing his parents.

"Did you guys call him here? Why is Thoma sitting here talking to you?" Luan asked.

Luan's father started to talk, more than likely to say something rude but Luan's mother stopped him. "This man showed up this morning by himself. Your father tried to drive him away but he insisted on talking with both of us and even waited outside until your father let him in."

Luan looked to Thoma who simply smiled at him. "Why'd you come here by yourself, Thoma? I was really worried about you."

Thoma reached for his hand and said softly, "I'm sorry I didn't discuss this with you sooner but I needed to talk with your parents before I left. The way I spoke to them has been bothering me and I needed to make things right between you guys. I figured if I had told you, you would try to stop me or come with me and I knew I'd cave so, well.."

Luan understood Thoma's personality and knew that he needed to make things right for Luan's sake. He wished he'd discussed it with him but Thoma was right. Luan probably would've thrown a fit and then nothing would be resolved in the end.

"If you boys are done being lovey dovey I have more to say to this man," Luan's father interjected.

They both faced them and Mattia Hasake cleared his throat. "I will never support the love between two men," He started and Hanami Hasake wanted to interrupt but Mattia raised his hand, "But I respect Mr Wilder as a man. Anyone would've understood you not wanting to confront us again but you did all the same. Hanami, Hana and Jona have all been bothering me since the whole ordeal happened and I agree with them; that regardless of how I feel about Luan's decisions, he is my son." At this Mattia turned to Luan. "Please don't cut us out again. You don't have to talk to us everyday and I don't want to know what you get up to with this man. But please, if only for your mother and sister's sake, call us once in a while."

Luan was speechless. He couldn't remember the last time his father had spoken to him so respectfully. Without giving it much thought Luan had nodded hurriedly, "I will, father. I promise."

Out of the corner of Luan's eye, he could see Thoma watching him with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Alrighty, we both have a shift at the restuarant so we have to head out," Mattia said and they all stood to leave. "Mr. Wilder," Luan's father had said and held out his hand to Thoma.

As Thoma was saying goodbye to Luan's mother, his father approached him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "You've taken good care of yourself. Keep at it," was all he said, but Luan felt that it was more than enough. "Thanks father, I will."

Luan saw his mother hug Thoma tightly and though much of what she as saying was in Japanese, as she was letting him go she said in English, "Thank you for taking such good care of my son."

Those words hit Luan right in the chest and he ushered Thoma out of the house before he could start crying.

Their walk started in silence as the walked back to the apartment (Luan was walking his bike back) but after the third worried glance from Thoma, Luan couldn't take the tension anymore. He dropped his bike and pulled Thoma into an alley. "Hey, Lu, I'm sorry if I stepped out of line but I just needed..." Thoma began to apologize but Luan pushed him against the wall and kissed him hard.

Thoma let himself be silenced and they began to frantically deepen the kiss and tug at each others clothing as if it was imperative they were out of them. "Lu, we should talk.. about..." Thoma tried to say between kisses but Luan couldn't stop clinging to him. He felt so insanely horny for Thoma and if he didn't have him now he felt he might go crazy.

"Later. I want you to fuck me. I want you inside me so badly right now, baby," Luan moaned into Thoma's mouth with a nip on his lip.

Thoma didn't argue and he immediately began sucking on Luan's neck. Instantly Luan became a whimpering mess in Thomas hands and he knew they weren't gonna make it back to the hotel, not while they both felt like this.

"Thoma.." Luan gasped and Thoma gave him a small "hmmm" in reply, preoccupied sucking on Luan's collarbones and sliding his hands to his nipple to say anything else.

"We can't... hngh... we can't have sex... here," He finally got out and Thoma stopped his assault on Luan's neck. "Says who?" He replied with a smirk and snuck under Luan's shirt to suck on his nipple.

Luan's rational thinking was all but gone and at this point, he didn't care if someone saw them. This alley was very secluded and as long as he was quiet, they wouldn't get caught.

"Fine.." Luan said finally and began to tease the lining of Thoma's pants. "Fuck me here then, Thoma."

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