18. Unexpected

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"You want me to.... Live with you?" Luan said and Thoma couldn't gauge how he felt by his voice or face.

He dropped his silverware and wiped his mouth before speaking.

"I'm not really hungry anymore... could we just leave?" Luan asked and Thoma hurriedly nodded and took the dishes. They walked to the car together. Just as Thoma was adjusting the music Luan couldn't keep the truth to himself.

"I can't live with you!" He said loudly and Thoma jumped but just looked at Luan for him to elaborate.

"I-it's not that I don't... appreciate the offer. I-it was very nice. But we only just became friends, you're my director and I don't feel comfortable staying as a guest even for a short time... I'm s-sorry," Luan finished and picked at a rip in his jeans.

"Hey, hey, I'm not upset. I completely understand your apprehension. I will respect your wishes but just know you're always welcome at my place," Thoma reassured him and then added, "But would you be fine if I talked with Charlie about you staying with him? Unless you have somewhere else to go."

Luan didn't have that many places that he thought Mikey couldn't find him. He felt terrible burdening yet another person with his problems. But he needed a place to stay tonight. Did he dare drag yet another person into his problems? Mikey didn't know what actual Charlie looked like yet. Should he keep it that way?

Luan breathed deeply through his nose before his finished his thoughts.

"Could I just stay with you tonight...? And I'll try to find a place tomorrow," Luan asked and Thoma nodded.

"Should we stop by your dorm again for more clothes?" Thoma asked. Luan agreed but Thoma insisted he accompanied him.

They made it up to his dorm without any interruptions but they unfortunately walked in on Luan's roommate messing around with his girlfriend.

He'd thrown a blanket over her and since he was still wearing pants he'd just thrown a shirt on. "Sorry bro, you haven't been home so I didn't even think to tell you she was coming," he defended himself but Luan explained the situation quickly.

His roommate eyed Thoma, "this your new boyfriend?" He asked and Luan coughed and hid his blushing face from them both.

Thoma extended his hand, "No just a friend helping him out. The names Timothy."

Luan looked at him and Thoma winked. "My full name," he said with a grin and Luan nodded but went back to his task of picking up clothes to pack.

"I think your ex came by a few times. Even slept here one night," his roommate informed Luan who paused in his actions but Thoma tried to shush him. He didn't need anymore unnecessary stress.

"He didn't do anything to you right?" Luan worried but his roommate chuckled. "As if. That guy is barely taller than you and he's dainty. I'd love to see him take me on."

Luan sighed and just then his roommate seemed to remember his girlfriend was slowly suffering under the blanket because he ushered them out.

The drive back to Thoma's was spent with Luan rapid fire shooting questions to Thoma about his past, which he answered.

"So Timothy huh? Never heard of the nickname Thoma, usually just Tim or Timmy." Luan observed.

"My mom wanted to initially name me Thoma after her brother. But my father hated a name that was too close to being normal but wasn't. So we settled on Timothy but my mom never called me that, only Thoma. Though they did name my younger brother Thomas which is pretty close anyways," He explained.

Luan felt shy when he asked, "Do you let anyone else call you Thoma? Like how you only let Charlie call you Tommy?"

Thoma paused before he answered and put his car into park in the garage.

"Ellie. She called me Thoma too," he said and Luan shut up. He didn't like the unpleasant feeling that information gave him.

Once they arrived in Thoma's apartment, Luan placed his stuff in the spare room and came out in some comfy clothes. Thoma was at the counter, also wearing comfy clothes and Luan realized he hadn't appreciated how he looked the few times he'd seen him like this.

He was pouring himself a drink and he turned to find Luan ogling him. Pretending not to notice he asked, "care for a drink?"

Luan debated accepting another drink being that his behavior last night was pretty embarrassing. But he also wanted to hang out with Thoma before he went to bed and he didn't think he could handle it sober.

"Sure. But something more fruity than last night if that's okay," he asked and Thoma grinned. "Of course. One sweet drink coming up. But oh, I don't have any tiny umbrellas. That okay with you?" He teased and Luan rolled his eyes but laughed.

Luan sat on the couch and helped himself to the remote to search for something to put on. "Any preference on a show or movie?" Luan called to Thoma.

He came into the living room and set a drink in front of Luan before sitting beside him.

"Hes sitting closer to me than normal," Luan observed and smiled to himself.

Thoma grabbed the remote and searched for a movie Luan hadn't heard of and leaned back onto the couch. Luan was lightly sipping his amazing drink that Thoma had prepared and hugging a pillow in his lap.

The movie got really good and Luan couldn't concentrate on anything else. He'd long since finished his drink and had given Thoma a smile as thanks when he made him another one. 

The credits rolled and Luan turned to Thoma with an alcohol driven smile. Thoma chuckled. "You feeling alright there, Luan?"

Luan nodded for far too long and Thoma felt bad he'd let him drink too much once again. He'd set his cup down and gone to grab Luan some water when the latter grabbed his arm and yanked him back to the couch.

"Where are you going?" Luan pouted and Thoma patted his hand and said softly, "getting you some water."

He returned with some water and helped Luan grasp the cup. "I should only give you a one drink maximum," Thoma mumbled to himself but Luan turned to him.

"You think I'm a child..?" He posed the question like a statement.

Thoma furrowed his brow and took the now empty cup from Luan's hands. "No, I don't think you're a child. Do I treat you like you're a child?"

Luan nodded and huffed back into the couch. "You treat me like I'm a baby who needs to be looked after. I've been taking care of myself for a loooong time."

"Long time huh?" Thoma said with a grin. He rather enjoyed Luan's drunk ramblings. "So tell me, Luan, about yourself. You asked me a lot of questions about my past."

"...Lu.." Luan murmured and Thoma leaned closer to hear him better.

"What's that?"

"Just call me Lu," Luan said softly and grabbed Thoma's face.

"Okay, Lu..." Thoma said but was silenced by Luan pressing his lips softly to his.

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