44. Greetings and Introductions

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   (Insensitive language) 

     Luan felt oddly nervous once Thoma and him made it to the restaurant. Neither of Luan's sisters' had ever met anyone he was dating (mostly because he had to hide his sexuality) but knowing that he was going to have to translate for both of them gave him some relief. That way, he could filter through what both parties said as comfortably as possible. Thoma reassured him with a quick squeeze of his hand and they made their way into the restaurant. 

The kitchen staff greeted them when they came in and Thoma grinned like a child. Luan gave them a wave and seated them at a table in a corner. However, being that he was with an American man, everyone started to crowd the table. 

There was hardly any time to translate one question before someone was asking another and Luan felt stifled. Thankfully, Jona pushed through the crowd and ordered them to return to their seats. 

She tried to hide her smile but she was practically gawking at Thoma and glancing between him and Luan. "It is very.. nice to.. meet you," she said in broken English and Thoma smiled and offered his hand. Luan quickly moved it back to his side and tried to advise him quietly, "Hey, sorry, we traditionally just bow our heads in greeting. Trying to shake a young woman's hand is an odd thing to do." Thoma bashfully bowed his head in greeting. 

"Thoma this is my younger sister Jona." Luan motioned between Thoma and Jona.

"Jona, this is Thoma," Luan introduced Thoma. After general introductions were over, Luan ordered them some food and Jona smiled one last time at Thoma before she left.

"Oh my word, do you think she LIKES me?" Thoma asked and poked Luan's side. 

Luan rolled his eyes, "She probably just noticed how attractive you are. She'll find out after another conversation that you don't offer much else," he teased and Thoma huffed but he was smiling. 

This time, it was Hana who approached their table and she had much the same reaction as Jona towards Thoma. 

"He's even more handsome in person than he was in your photo," She commented and smiled at Thoma who returned her smile. "Can you ask him how he's enjoyed his stay so far?" she asked excitedly and Luan did.

Thoma gushed about how much fun he'd had while subtlely sliding his hand over Luan's thigh towards his dick. Luan stopped his hand and held it, hoping that Thoma just wanted some affection, and not that he was genuinely trying to give him a hand job in a busy restaurant.

"Can we take Thoma on a tour of the island tomorrow? He can use dad's bike." She asked and Luan actually thought that was a fantastic idea. It didn't hurt that Thoma would be using his homophobic father's bike. 

Luan asked Thoma and like he imagined, he agreed. "When are we going?" 

Luan and Hana both decided on having breakfast all together at the house and heading out to adventure after bringing their mom some food. Jona came with the food and they both bowed one final time before waving goodbye to them and saying how excited they were about tomorrow.

"Your sisters' seem really nice." Thoma commented between hurried bites of his food. "You guys also seem to get along really well, unlike my family." 

Luan shrugged. "My sisters' have always been very mild mannered and kind. Even when I was going through my rebellious phase. They always helped lie to my parents and defended me when my dad would yell at me. They protected me like I was their baby brother. Maybe that's why I act like such a child sometimes." 

Thoma smiled and kissed Luan's shoulder. "I'm fine with you acting like a baby, because then I get to coddle you." He took another bite before adding, "You could be more direct though."

"Where was this when we were having a deep talk?" Luan said with a laugh. 

Thoma raised his hands defensively. "It just came to mind. Even if you think what you have to say will make me react emotionally, I want you to tell me the truth. Or just admit to me how you're feeling. I'm not good with guessing games and I don't want you to rely on me to be aware if I said something you don't like. Just tell me."

Luan smirked, "I didn't realize I'd have so many rules to follow when I started dating you. You're like an army general." 

"Wouldn't that mean you should call me 'Commander', subordinate?" Thoma whispered and Luan looked to him, shocked.

"I didn't realize you were so dirty, Thoma!" Luan whispered.

Thoma shrugged with a grin, "It's too late to back out now, honey. You've already claimed to love me and I've sucked your dick. We've gone too far." 

Luan covered his mouth but couldn't help but giggle. He was having so much fun with Thoma. Plus no one around them could understand them, so it felt really special between them. Like they were the only two people here.

After finishing their meal, Thoma went to a leave a tip on the table but Luan had to quickly give it back to them. "We don't tip here." He whispered and tucked the money back into Thoma's hand.

It was quiet outside and they didn't pass anyone on their walk back to the hotel. Thoma had offered his hand to Luan after scanning the area and he readily took it. They walked in silence most of the way until Thoma dropped his hand and faced him.

"Don't you think you should have told me all this stuff before I got here so I don't keep looking like a stupid tourist?" Thoma said and Luan felt bad. He hadn't stopped to realize how the culture shock was affecting Thoma. 

"Thoma, starting tonight, I will hold a class of do's and don'ts in Japanese culture. I'm sorry I've been so inattentive and negligent. Can you forgive me?" Luan asked and hugged Thoma around his waist, looking up to him with a closed eye grin that would hopefully melt Thoma's composure. 

When he felt Thoma's arms wrap around his back he knew it had. "Stop being so cute. It's hard to stay upset with you." Thoma grumbled and kissed Luan's nose, making him grin once again.

They stared at each other for a second, as if it was the first time they'd ever truly seen each other.   Thoma touched Luan's face lightly with his fingertips, tracing his eyebrows, his ears, the bridge of his nose and over his lips.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured before kissing his lips softly. 

"I love you," Luan said softly before they kissed again. 

Their bubble was broken when they heard footsteps approaching and they reluctantly stepped away from each other. 

"Luey?" Luan heard from behind him and his blood ran cold. 

Turning around slowly, Luan put his arm across Thoma as if blocking him from the disrespect that was inevitably coming their way.

Mattia Hasake stood before them, cane in hand and holding the arm of his wife. "You find another faggot to embarass this family with?"

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