53. Disaster

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The flight was taking too long. Luan felt his skin crawling with each hour that passed and though he'd taken a sleeping pill to try and force himself to rest, he had been drifting in and out of sleep the entire flight. His parents had seemed to understand his sudden departure and his sisters' had spent the whole rest of his time in Japan with him. 

He didn't tell them why he was leaving abruptly, but they were smart enough to know it was because of Thoma. It wasn't like he didn't want to talk about it to them. But he knew he was just going to be irrational and perhaps say things rudely about Thoma he didn't mean in a fit of emotion. He never wanted anyone to see Thoma in a bad light and so he was going to hold his tongue until he heard the entire truth from Thoma. 


Luan woke up to the noises of everyone grabbing their luggage around him. He'd been knocked out for the past few hours and thankfully felt refreshed and ready to hurry to Thoma's immediately. It was pretty early still, around 8 am now, but he knew Thoma would be awake. He turned on his phone and looked to see if Thoma had replied at all yet. 

"I miss you too" was all he got. 

Luan felt like shit reading that simple text. That was all he could spare during the 12+ plus I haven't talked to him? God, I could slap him right now. 

Luan got an uber and stayed silent the whole drive to Thoma's. No point in wasting my breath when I'm gonna need it all to scream at him.

He hurried to the elevator, willed it to go just a second faster and practically sprinted to Thoma's door. He suddenly felt weird. He knew the passcode but he also hadn't let Thoma know he was coming back so soon. Should he still just waltz in? Would Thoma be happy to see him so suddenly? He decided to just walk in and hope for the best. With the slightest knock he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Luan left his suitcase in the living room and looked around the apartment. It smelled like Thoma and Luan felt a pang of homesickness. It'd been more than a month since he'd been back and although his annoyance was still very much in play, more than anything he just wanted to see his boyfriend. 

"Thoma?!" Luan called and made his way into Thoma's bedroom.

The suitcase he'd brought with him to Japan was on the floor by his closet, still unpacked. Luan furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of Thoma's messy and unkempt room. Thoma had never let it get like this when Luan was there. Was he just so busy he didn't have time to clean?

"Thoma?" Luan said again into the bathroom area, but the light was off so he didn't imagine he'd been in there.

It was a Wednesday morning about 8:30 so Thoma should definitely be home. He still had a few of his vacation days to use, unless he had cancelled them and gone back to work. Although he didn't need to be at work till 9:00 and he didn't usually leave till about 8:45. 

Luan felt like the most pathetic detective ever. There was an unimaginable amount of things Thoma could be doing right now, but Luan's sleep deprived and jet-lagged brain could only come up with a few ideas of where he might be. 

He decided to send yet another text, perhaps to at least get a general idea where Thoma might be this early. "Morning to you, my Thoma. Are you free this morning to call? I am missing you a little extra today" Luan sent. 

He had gotten used by now to Thoma not replying right away. He opted to take a shower after his long flight and take a short nap in the guest room. He somehow felt weird about sleeping in Thoma's bed without him here. 

He grabbed his suitcase and dragged it to the guest room. When he opened the door his breathing stopped and his chest and stomach felt like they were being stabbed.

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